
We expect to convene the SC members in the next 4-6 weeks for an initial meeting. To meet this deadline, we would appreciate acknowledgement that your organization will participate in this process and ask you to identify one representative from your organization to be a member of the SC. Please notify Tony Comuzzie (tcomuzzie@obesity.org), TOS Chief Executive Officer, of your intent and selected representative. There are still many components of this process to develop further. We expect that the SC will help to craft many of the details for the process. In the meantime, if you have any questions about the initial request or process, please feel free to reach out to me at jard@wakehealth.edu. Sincerely,

Jamy D. Ard, MD, FTOS President-elect, The Obesity Society Professor, Departments of Epidemiology & Prevention and Internal Medicine

Vice Dean for Clinical Research Wake Forest School of Medicine

CC: Tony Comuzzie

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