
Summary of Obesity Measures Roadmap project Activities and Recommended Next Steps May 2023

In January 2023, a roundtable of clinical and public health experts, patient advocates, professional organizations, payers, public officials, and other experts convened to discuss obesity quality measures (attendees and agenda are in the Appendix attached). The meeting was held virtually over Zoom. We had an excellent turnout with a robust discussion (including in the chat) for the full five hours. The goal of the roundtable was to identify a strategy for developing a comprehensive measure or standardized/uniform set of measures for obesity that would be broadly accepted and widely implemented. We envisioned the strategy to serve as a road map towards the development and adoption of future measures for obesity. During the discussion at the roundtable, it was clear that there was a need for conceptualizing other quality measures not in use or being tested. Therefore, we invited participants of the roundtable to join us in forming a working group to further develop a road map for how to develop a comprehensive set of obesity quality measures. Ten people volunteered to participate in the working group meetings. The group met four times to reflect on the discussion and current status of measure development and discuss what the next steps should be to evolve out of this effort. Per the scope of work for this project, we were tasked with developing a road map for the development and adoption of future measures for obesity. Prior to the meeting, we contracted Dr. Tracy Zvenyach to research and write a white paper that summarized the current landscape of obesity quality measures. The white paper was provided to the meeting attendees as background for the discussion. The attached white paper provides this preliminary roadmap. It is a complete landscape analysis of all obesity measures that have been conceptualized, developed, tested, implemented and are currently in place or were in place at one time. Dr. Zvenyach and Dr. Dietz have co-authored a manuscript based on the white paper written for the roundtable. The manuscript, “Quality Measurement Gaps and Future Directions in the Assessment of Obesity,” has been submitted to Current Obesity Reports for publication. Working Groups Road Map


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