OMA Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting Minutes 04/19/2023 1:00--5:00 PM EDT Hilton New York Midtown Hotel Board Room New York, NY
Zoom Information: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/86288809712?pwd=Ym9MUjcrL0NXQVNHVjVxMXdpODRsUT09 Call to Order and Opening Remarks: The BOT meeting was called to order at 1:01pm (EDT) by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch. Roll Call: Dr. Marisa Censani, Secretary & Treasurer Attendees: Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Harold Bays, Dr. Anthony Auriemma, Ms. Sandra Christensen, Dr. Suzanne Cuda, Dr. Carolynn Francavilla-Brown, Dr. Michelle Freshwater, Dr. Bharti Shetye, Dr. Craig Primack, Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director), and Ms. Lydia Haile (OMA Operations Specialist), Legal Counsel, Mr. Jim Wilson (attended virtually via Zoom). Approval of the Agenda Motion to accept the meeting agenda The motion passed Conflict of Interest Disclosures Mrs. Fraker highlights the new organization of the disclosures document that was implemented by Ms. Haile and encourages the BOT members to share updates to the COI Disclosures if needed. Consent Agenda and Supporting Documents Motion to accept the consent agenda and supporting documents The motion passed
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