1.9.2023 Board Book

Document #1_Board Conflict of Interest Disclosures updated_11_10_20221
Document #2_1_9_2023 BOT Meeting Agenda_FINAL5
Document #3_10.12.2022 OMA BOT Meeting Minutes_FINAL by HB + MC8
Motion to accept the consent agenda9
The motion passed9
Document #4_OCAN_OMA Letter ICD10 code changes 11.9.2212
Document #5_OMA Individual Letter ICD-10 Code Support Letter15
Document #6_2023 OMA Committee Rosters17
Document #7_OMA 2023 Budget Template28
Document #8_FY2023 Budget Narrative for BOT Meeting January_202332
Document #9_OMA BOT Strategic Plan_June 202236
Vision Statement37
Mission Statement37
Mission-Based Goals and Strategies38
Strategy 1: Increase OMA Recognition38
Strategy 2: Support Coverage and Reimbursement38
Strategy 3: Educate Providers39
Strategy 4: Research39
Foundational Goals and Strategies40
Foundational Strategy 1: Inclusive, Growing Member/Stakeholder Base40
Foundational Strategy 2: Good Stewardship of Resources40
Document #10_OMA Leadership Team Strategic Plan October_202242 - 43
Slide Number 142 - 43
Document #11_2022 ASMBS IFSO Guidelines for MBS44
2022 American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) and International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity a ...44
Criteria for surgery46
BMI thresholds in the Asian population46
Extremes of age47
Older population47
Pediatrics and adolescents47
Bridge to other treatment47
Joint arthroplasty47
Abdominal wall hernia repair47
Organ transplantation48
MBS in the high-risk patient48
BMI ﹥60 kg/m248
Heart failure48
Patient evaluation49
Weight loss and co-morbidity improvement49
Cancer risk50
Revisional surgery50
Document #12_AMA_CCA_a501767-256
Document #13_CPT Code Applicant Participation List92
Document #14_BMS Committee Compensation Survey_202393
Document #15_Obesity Algorithm 2023 Updates96 - 97
Major Updates Included in the 2023 Version:Adult Obesity Algorithm96 - 97

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