1.9.2023 Board Book

traditional self-care topics such as medication adherence, diet, and exercise, clients select whatever goal(s) they are most ready to tackle. For example, patients may chose to focus on coping with or changing a particular source of stress in their life, on managing social isolation, or increasing physical activity, with goals made accordingly.

At each subsequent session, the coach and client discuss what was successful, what challenges arose, and most importantly what the client learned about themselves in the process of implementing the prior session’s action steps.

Each session’s action steps build on each other until the goal is consistently met. Throughout the coaching sessions, the coach helps the patient build a growth mindset, amplifying the patient’s positive internal resources and supporting self efficacy. Patients also learn to track their own behavior and make adjustments as needed. Additionally, the coach helps the patient learn to anticipate obstacles week to week, and leverage the patient’s own unique problem-solving skills to work the desired behavior change into daily life. Over the coaching sessions, the coach continuously helps the patient link their individual values and personal sense of meaning with the behavioral goals to elicit intrinsic motivation that assists patients to sustain the behavior change far beyond the coaching period. Coaching sessions occur between a health and ewll-being and individual or groups of individuals, and do not include separate services during this time. These services are offered in many environments, including outpatient clinical settings, inpatient clinical settings, and community settings, and do not include multiple providers.

▲ 0591T Description

See code description. VII. Supporting Documentation / Literature


Code Change Application-last updated Dec 29,2022 CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association Copyright 2013-2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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