1.9.2023 Board Book
2023 Bariatric Medical-Surgical Committee Compensation Questionnaire
Greeting/Introduction at the Header of the Survey: The Bariatric Medical-Surgical Committee of the OMA is seeking to explore how the OMA might assist its members in gaining greater insights regarding compensation practices for clinicians who serve in a multidisciplinary bariatric medical-surgical setting. If you could kindly take no more than 10” to complete the survey as attached here, we would be extremely grateful. Your responses will remain completely anonymous.
Thank you in advance!
OMA Bariatric Medical-Surgical Committee Chair: Dr. Christopher Weber OMA Board of Trustees (BOT) Liaison to the Bariatric Medical-Surgical Committee: Dr. Bharti Shetye (Dr. Abby)
Survey Questions: Which of the following disciplines best describes you? o Physician o Nurse Practitioner (NP) o Physician Assistant (PA) How many years have you been practicing Obesity Medicine (OM)? o <1 year
o 2-4 years o 5-8 years o 8-10 years o 10-15 years o 16+ years
What is your gender? o Man o Woman o Non-binary o Other/ Self-Description: ________ o Prefer not to answer
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