1.9.2023 Board Book

Consent Agenda Extract pages 32-34 of the Consent Agenda which is documentation of the Current Obesity Codes Under ICD-10 and bring this material back to the board when ready/further clarification is needed on what action is to be taken on this document. Motion to accept the consent agenda The motion passed FOMA and MFOMA Policy Motion to approve Option #1 of the FOMA/MFOMA Policy with the edit of striking the word, “must” in the section that reads, “Candidates MUST meet two or more of the following requirements”. The motion passed Committees Ms. Dana Stifter reviewed the results from an OMA Staff survey on the 2022 Committees. The 2023 Board Liaisons for the OMA Committees will be as follows: • Advocacy Committee Liaisons will remain the same, Drs. Carolynn Francavilla Brown and Tony Auriemma • Bariatric Medical-Surgical Committee Liaison will remain the same, Dr. Bharti Shetye • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Liaisons will be changed slightly to retain Ms. Sandra Christensen and Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie will move from a membership role on this committee to now serve as a board liaison to this committee along with Ms. Sandra Christensen • Membership Committee will remain the same, Ms. Sandra Christensen and Dr. Lydia Alexander • Outreach Committee will remain the same, Doctors Lydia Alexander and Suzanne Cuda • Pediatric Committee will be changed slightly to retain Dr. Marisa Censani and Dr. Suzanne Cuda will move from a membership role on this committee to now serve as the board liaison to the committee along with Dr. Marisa Censani. The Speakers Bureau Task Force will be eliminated moving forward and will not continue in 2023, as their primary objectives have been met. Motion to change the name of the International and Diversity Committee to the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee The motion passed Motion to create task force for the purposes of developing an OMA (educational) meeting planning task force to be led by Dr. Angela Fitch and she will appoint selected board members to this task force. The motion passed • CIT Education Committee Liaison will change to Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie • CME Education Committee will remain the same, Dr. Michelle Freshwater


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