1.9.2023 Board Book
This collection of AMA STEPS Forward® Practice Innovation Strategies offers proven approaches on how to improve communications with patients, uncover risk factors that may be contributing to poor health, collaborate with your colleagues in other specialties and enhance transitions of care. Toolkits - Actionable, practical toolkits provide customizable resources to enhance patient communication and patient-centered care. Health Coaching module: https://edhub.ama-assn.org/steps Quote: "..health coaching emphasises the importance of the patient being the expert in their own lives, rather than affirming the paternalistic viewpoint that ‘clinicians know best,’ instilled in us all ‘from an early age.’ This emphasis continues to place the patient in the subordinate position that ‘clinicians know best’ rather than in an equal partnership." Citation: Best, C., 2021. Is health coaching the next panacea in healthcare reform?. Practice Nursing, 32(8), pp.323-326. 3. Clinician Perspectives on Working with Health Coaches, 2015 Quote: "Through developing a rapport with patients over time and working with patients between medical visits, health coaches (a) empower patients by offering self management support, (b) bridge communication gaps between clinicians and patients, (c) assist patients in navigating the health care system, and (d) act as a point of contact for patients." Citation: Dubé, K., Willard-Grace, R., O'Connell, B., DeVore, D., Prado, C., Bodenheimer, T., Hessler, D. and Thom, D.H., 2015. Clinician perspectives on working with health coaches: A mixed methods approach. Families, Systems, & Health, 33(3), p.213. 4. The Growing Trend of Health Coaching in Team-Based Primary Care Training Quote: "To improve quality, reduce costs, and become more patient centered, primary care is rapidly transforming into a team sport with a broadening roster of new players, including health coaches." forward/module/2702562 2. Practice Nursing, 2021
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