10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

Rules of Order Policy Board Approved September 2017

Rules of Order for Board Meetings Quorum: Our bylaws state that a quorum is present if the majority of the board is present.

Order of the day: Each meeting will have an agenda which will include points to discuss, old business and new business. The leader of the meeting is referred to as the “Chair.” This may be the chairman of the board, the president, or the highest-ranking officer present at the meeting. Items to discuss: All board members may submit items to discuss. These items must be submitted at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled meeting. Items must be submitted electronically as editable Microsoft word documents. Items must include: the person (or persons, committee, etc.) introducing the item and the date of submission. Items should be marked as informational items (board updates), discussion items (not asking for action), or action items. For action items, the specific action being requested by the board should be clearly indicated. Late items: From time to time, items of critical importance may need to be introduced within 2 weeks of the board meeting. These items will be marked in the board book as “Late” and will only be discussed after a majority vote of the board to discuss the item. Motions: Introducing a main motion 1) The chair may call on the person responsible for the next order of business. Or, when no one else has the floor, a board member may address the chair by proper title. After recognition by the chair, the board member may make a motion. 2) To make a motion, state, “I move that…,” and state your motion. For example, “I move that we discuss item #4 regarding updating our travel policy…” Regarding the above items of business, the person who introduced the item of business and who’s name appears on the item of business should introduce the motion. 3) Another member may second your motion. A second simply means that the motion should be discussed. If the motion is not seconded, it is not up for discussion. It is not lost, as there has been no vote. 4) Only if there is a second, the chair states “It has been moved and seconded that…” (state the motion). “Is there any discussion?” 5) Only one main motion may be on the floor at a time. Discussing a motion 1) All speaking points should be limited to 3 minutes. This will be enforced with a timer, and an OMA staff person will be designated to monitor the timer. A different time limit (or no time limit) may also be used if requested by a majority of the quorum, either for a single item of business, or for the entire meeting. 2) The member who made the motion is entitled to speak to it first. 3) Every member may speak to the motion. Only the motion at hand should be spoken either for or against. Each member should clearly state whether they are speaking for or against the motion. 4) A person may not speak against their own motion (however, they can vote against their own motion). 5) All discussion should be directed towards the motion. Avoid using a person’s name during the debate. 6) All questions should be directed to the chair. 7) Each member may only speak to the motion twice; however, asking a question or a brief suggestion does not count as that person’s debate.

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