10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

DEPARTMENT UPDATES OMA BOARD OF TRUSTEES (BOT) MEETING 10/25/2023 2D0e 2p 3a rEt md uecnatt iDoinr eacnt od rE: vJeona tns HU apbdlauttezse l Presented below is data related to OMA’s conferences and online education. We completed the update Et ot hoousr iOn MJ uAl yA2c0a 2d 3e m. Wy iat hn dt hl ai sunnec wh epdl ao tnf oar nme, ww Le eaarrenbi negt t Me raanbalgeetmo ef ancti lSiyt as tt ee mg r (oLuMp Sp)upr cl ahtaf os er smacnadl l e d aa rdema i anni sdt rtaotpi oi cns voifeowuirn gc oausrws eesl l(ai .se .t “r na cukt ri ni tgi oonf ”l)e taor nme ar sk.eWt heeasreeaarlcsho fbuentct et iro anba llei t yt om“ toarge” sbeya mt hlee scso. n t e n t We will also be using this transition time to shore up the content tagging and labeling of all of our ca or eu rhsoeps i. nWg et oh ga ev te ms toa sr tt ecdo ns et el enct t fi innga sl iezsesdi obnys Na on vdepml abnenr i onfg2c0o2n3t ewn it t fho ar tf he we 2s0l o2t4s As anvneuda tl oC foi nl l f learteenr cteo. W e a2 c0c2o4mFma lol dSautme ma ni ty wn ei twh i nu pt dh ae tne es xotrf e“ lwa t me bornetahks i ansg ”wseelsl ,sai onnds r. eTlha et i vs teatf of wt hi lel cboeng ti ne nt to fpo lratnh ceosnutme nmt ifto, rwteh e aOrveehrcoopminigngtoOgbeetssitoym2e0f2e3edCboancfkerfernocme ainttSeanndeAenstoonnitoh, eTmX.ain topic area of focus during the


Fundamentals of Obesity Treatment - Virtual Live Registrations

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0 50




2022 2023

*Registrations for Nov 2023 are still coming in

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