10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
In collaboration with the OMA’s Manager of Sales and Business Development and the OMA’s Director of Membership and Engagement, we’ve assembled an (extremely rough draft) list of items that local societies might “ask” of the OMA including (but not limited to) : • E-blasts to the local group’s membership announcing upcoming meetings, educational offerings, networking opportunities, etc. • OMA brochures or other collateral that the local societies place at a table when the local group hosts their meetings • “How To” Guide(s) on developing a not-for-profit organization in their state/locales • Requests for contacts within the OMA’s pharmaceutical industry partners in order to explore sponsorship for local group activities • Requests for pricing discounts to attend the OMA’s Conferences and/or purchase OMA products from the OMA Academy or OMA bookstore • CME assistance • Online Journal Club with monthly meetings + CME + enduring content on the OMA Academy During the local obesity group meeting held on 10/28/2023, we will elicit feedback for additional items that the group may find of value to them to further inform this list as well. Initially, in order to launch this fully, the OMA Staff Leadership team would develop various pricing “packages” for these groups based on their needs (as the OMA currently prepares for various levels of sponsorship options). To fully operationalize this endeavor, the OMA Manager of Sales and Business Development would handle the sales component of these efforts, secure the “package” that the local obesity group may need, then the OMA’s new Partnerships and Projects Manager (PM) would serve these groups in a PM role to ensure (with CME needs, in particular) that all of the appropriate paperwork was submitted to the OMA to ensure that deadlines and compliance against (for example) ACCME parameters were met. Based on the time that the various level of support endeavors may require (for the two OMA Staff Members named here), we may need to add additional FTEs to the OMA staff to support these groups over time. The main delineating factor that seems best to define the difference between these groups functioning as OMA “Affiliates” versus OMA “Chapters” is illustrated below. The “Affiliates” approach assumes less of an oversight-based approach from the OMA, and the “Chapters” approach assumes more oversight and ownership from the OMA, which is not desired.
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