10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

Foundational Goals and Strategies

The following are Foundational Goals and Strategies to support the Mission, Vision, and Mission Based goals:

Foundational Strategy 1: Inclusive, Growing Member/Stakeholder Base Goal: Diverse and engaged network of members and other stakeholders committed to evidence based obesity treatment.


• Membership – Promote membership and engagement to relevant healthcare professionals. • Physician Funnel – Create targeted outreach to ABOM-Credentialed physicians promoting membership and develop specific tactics targeted at physician retention and satisfaction. • NP/PA Funnel – Create targeted outreach to NPs and PAs who have earned the Certificate of Advanced Education in Obesity Medicine in an effort to promote membership. • Member Satisfaction – Evaluate and improve relevant programming for members by audience. • Trainee Engagement – Create accessible, affordable pathways for engagement of trainees and newer obesity medicine clinicians. • Mentoring – Enhance member mentoring relationships. • Member Communication – Communicate the activities and successes of OMA. • Engaging Experiences – Produce engaging events providing opportunities for the community of obesity medicine peers to collaborate and socialize. • Volunteer Engagement – Create expanded opportunities for participation in OMA.

Foundational Strategy 2: Good Stewardship of Resources Goal: Responsible stewardship of human, financial and operational systems to support implementation of the Vision, Mission, and Strategic Goals.


• Operational Alignment – Align staff capacity and competencies with the Strategic Plan. • Diverse Leadership – Increase diversity of OMA volunteer leadership. • Digital Engagement – Enhance OMA website and online communities to improve accessibility, use, and value.


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