10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
7173 S. Havana St #600-130 Centennial, CO 80112 P: 303.770.2526 | F: 303.779.4834 obesitymedicine.org
August 7, 2023
ATTN: Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System
RE: Proposed changes to 310-V – Prescrip�on Medica�ons/Pharmacy Services surrounding Food & Drug Administra�on (FDA) – approved an� - obesity medica�ons (AOMs).
To Whom it May Concern,
The Obesity Medicine Associa�on (OMA) is pleased to provide comments to the Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) regarding its proposed changes to 310 -V – Prescrip �on Medica�ons/Pharmacy Services surrounding Food & Drug Administra�on (FDA) – approved an� - obesity medica�ons (AOMs). Specifically, we are concerned that AHCCCS is proposing to eliminate coverage for AOMs, which will adversely impact the people in yo ur Medicaid program with lower socioeconomic status who are par�cularly vulnerable to obesity and have a higher disease risk than those with more means and educa�on. The Obesity Medicine Associa�on (OMA) is an organiza�on of nearly 5,000 expert medical clinicians who treat the chronic and relapsing disease of obesity. One of the challenges our providers and their pa�ents face is the lack of coverage for the treatment of obesity, inclusive of effec�ve FDA - approved an� - obesity medica�ons (AOMs). Th e American Medical Associa�on (AMA) defined obesity as a chronic disease in 2013. Science has shown that obesity is not the liability of an individual ’ s lifestyle, but instead, obesity represents a complex and mul� - factorial disease. Obesity has gene�c origins with biological, environmental, and cultural influences which display differently in each pa�ent. Obesity is o�en the root cause and driver of other health complica�ons. A recent report found that trea�ng obesity can reduce diabetes ( - 8.9%), hy pertension (- 2.3%), heart disease ( - 2.6%), cancer (- 1.3%), and disability ( - 4.7%) over 10 years in private insurance coverage and Medicare. The same assump�on may be applied to Medicaid programs. Obesity is a growing chronic disease in Arizona with more than 31% of the popula�on living with the disease and another 36% with overweight. Altogether, that ’ s 67% of people living in Arizona who experience overweight or obesity . The evidence is clear for the State ’ s Medicaid program to provide coverage for AOMs. Recent clinical guidelines recommend the use of AOMs, such as the American Diabetes Associa�on ’ s 2023 Standards of Care, the American Gastroenterological Associa�on ’ s obesity management guidelines for adults, and the American Academy of Pediatrics new “ Clinical Prac�ce Guideline for the Evalua�on and Treatment of Children and Adolescents with Obesity. ” Members of the OMA are powerful advocates for our pa�ents. We work �relessly to improve access to obesity treatments throughout the country at both the state and federal levels. To that end, the OMA respec�ully requests th at AHCCCS not specifically exclude coverage for AOMs to allow for these pa�ents most in need to have access to these medically necessary treatments. Should you have any addi�onal ques�ons or wish to speak with us directly, do not hesitate to contact us; our full contact informa�on is below. Thank you.
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