10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

7173 S. Havana St #600-130 Centennial, CO 80112 P: 303.770.2526 | F: 303.779.4834 obesitymedicine.org

individuals with obesity who are simply seeking treatment for their chronic disease – just like other individuals seeking care for their diabetes or heart diseas e. In short, we recognize the program ’ s concern over the high cost of these new medica�ons and understand some of the steps that Kansas Medicaid is taking to control costs. That is why we are open to some pa�ent eligibility requirements being temporarily adjusted, such as BMI thresholds along the parameters we outlined above. However, once pa�ents have met these criteria, they should be allowed every opportunity to adjust to and thrive on these medica�ons. Should you have any addi�onal ques�ons or wish to speak with us directly, do not hesitate to contact us; our full contact informa�on is below. Thank you.


Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA, Dipl ABOM President Obesity Medicine Associa�on Email: DrFitch@knownwell.health Cell: 952 -237- 5489

Rebecca Andrick, DO, FOMA, Dipl ABOM Chair OMA Advocacy Commitee drandrick@wtwdenver.com Cell: 303 - 868 - 920 7

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