10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

 This figure is in the negative range this year at $13,501, and it reflects non investment operating income less expenses. o Cash Position  The OMA has a cash position of $572,000 of which Rubin Brown colleagues share is strong, and that they have no concerns. • Footnote #3 - Liquidity: This value is related to how much liquid cash OMA has to continue operating on in the event that income is no longer generated or received. With a value of 7.2 million, Rubin Brown shares that the OMA is in a strong position as we would be able to cover the 4 million dollars of expenses for a little under two years. Despite an increase in expenses, OMA remains in nearly the same position as 2021 in terms of liquidity. • Footnote #4- Equipment and Accumulated Depreciation: For 2022, this value is $99,930. In 2021, the value was $14,165. Rubin Brown shares that there are no issues with the value. • Obesity Treatment Foundation (OTF): The OTF has been dormant for quite some time and the activity for the 2022 year was minimal with just a decrease of $4,500. Ms. Fraker shares that according to OMA’s legal counsel and based on recent BOT deliberations that the OMA has decided to keep the OTF open and functional for the potential use for the BOT’s patient-facing strategic objective, the “Treat or Refer Campaign”, so for now, the OTF will remain as is. • Investments: The OMA’s investment portfolio is actively managed by Stifel. Thus far, the OMA has experienced 5.74% of recovery which equates to $371,000. The OMA maintains a conservatively invested portfolio with about 9.2 million in cash. There is 40% in fixed income, 39.5% in stock, and 12.48% in alternatives. Stock allocation is well spread out through all asset sectors as well. The OMA has a broad range of small, mid, and large range exposure. In conclusion, the OMA Finance Committee accepts and approves the financial audit conducted by Rubin Brown and as such, Ms. Fraker will sign attestation documents on behalf of the OMA to certify the audit which will be prepared for and distributed to the OMA’s BOT for the 10/25/2023 Meeting. The entire financial audit document(s) as well as a more current investment portfolio will be included along with these meeting minutes for the 10/25/2023 BOT meeting packet accordingly. Meeting Minutes Approved by Dr. Marisa Censani on 10/14/2023

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