2020-10-29 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees

presented. Thus, an approach that differs from the white paper, standing alone, does not necessarily imply that the approach was below the standard of care. A conscientious practitioner could responsibly adopt a course of action different from that set forth in the white paper when, in the reasonable judgment of the practitioner, such a course of action is indicated by the condition of the patient, the limitations of available resources, or advances in knowledge or technology. All that should be expected is that the practitioner will follow a reasonable course of action on the basis of current knowledge, available resources, and the needs of the patient to deliver effective and safe medical care. The sole purpose of this white paper is to assist practitioners in achieving this objective.


Funding for the Forum for Obesity Care was provided by Novo Nordisk; however, no representative from Novo Nordisk was present for the forum, nor was the discussion or white paper influenced by Novo Nordisk in any way.


The Forum for Obesity Care contributors acknowledge Jennifer Wynn, Deputy Executive Director for her coordination of the forum, Roger Kissin, President of Communication Partners & Associates for facilitating the discussion, and Kara Kallies, scientific writer for assistance in drafting the white paper.


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