2021-02-22 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees (002)

Female vs Women Unbiased language People first language




MYTH: Upon startup, any new journal will be searchable via PubMed.

PubMed is a free search engine primarily focused on the MEDLINE journal article and abstract database – which is a databased pertaining to scientific and biomedical topics. PubMed is the most common search engine used to locate authoritative medical science articles and references. At start-up, new journals are not PubMed searchable.

MYTH: It will take 2 years for the journal to be searchable via PubMed.

It often takes an average of 2 years for articles of a new journal to become PubMed searchable. Other than the day a journal publishes its first article, being PubMed searchable is the second most important milestone for any new journal. Especially for online publications, PubMed searchability timelines can sometimes be accelerated via:

Higher number of publications


o Publication of highly read and cited review articles. o Publication of highly read and cited original science. o Adherence to PubMed article structure “rules” ▪ Disclosures ▪ Ethic statements ▪ Inclusiveness of ClinicalTrials.org citation

• MYTH: OMA leadership play a minimum role in the success of a societal journal.

The potential for success of a societal journal is enhanced with active participation of societal leadership, such as serving as Associated Editors, Editorial Board, or reviewers and soliciting articles of high science.

• MYTH: OMA membership play a minimum role in determining the success of the journal.

Even if not in leadership, the success of a societal journal is substantially dependent upon the active participation of OMA members to serve as Associated Editors, Editorial Board, or reviewers and soliciting articles of high science.

Soliciting articles will not be necessary upon start of JOMA

The success of JOMA will be enhanced if OMA leadership and membership encourage others to submit articles of high science and quality.


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