2021-09-22 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees
On the bottom of the roster there are three recommended changes.
• OMA is recommending converting the OMA Speaker’s Bureau Committee to a task force as a number of the deliverables are competing and overlapping with other committees. This originally started out as a task force and that worked great. As it transitioned to a committee much of the work that this group has been doing could and should be done by the Outreach or Education committees. The Speakers Bureau Committee is working to create a ‘What is Obesity PowerPoint’ and this should be developed by our Education committees to keep consistent content. Our Education teams can then create and provide to our Speaker’s Bureau these tools to use when speaking. Moving forward there is still a need for a task force to meet on an as needed bases to review applications of those who would like to join and be part of the Speaker’s Bureau but other deliverables fall within our existing committees. • There are two new committees the staff has recommended. These are listed at the bottom of the roster with the rationale below The first is an Education Development Committee. The purpose of this committee would be to brainstorm, vet and help develop new educational offerings. Many of the other committees often come up with ideas of educational products that they would like to create for OMA. This committee would be in charge of vetting those ideas and also being the SME’s to help these ideas come to fruition. This would be a working committee. Members on this committee would be expected to not only attend meetings and discussions, but also actually do some of the work to help create the content. This is different than the CME committee that reviews and approves content continuing education standards and accuracy in content. We have many future educational partnerships in the works and this committee would help the OMA team co-develop this education. • The second committee being recommended is the CIT Education Committee. This is a committee that is being championed by Dr. Nicholas Pennings and Dr. Wickham Simonds. The purpose of the committee will be to assess and revise current curriculum, develop curriculum for new programs, make content recommendations to fill identified learning gaps, and provide additional assessment tools to track student progress in clinical education on obesity. The committee will also look to promote student and resident involvement in the OMA through promotion of interest groups and conference participation
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