2021-09-22 OMA Agenda - Board of Trustees
Treasurer’s Report Dr. Alexander reported topline revenue as of February 28, 2021 was $635,932 and net operational revenue was $190,787. She reported that two months into the year, revenue is up by $215,307 compared to what was budgeted for January and February due to revenue from membership dues, products, and publications performing above budgeted expectations at this timepoint. Additionally, Spring Conference accounts for roughly 50% of the variance because a monthly budget against this line item was too difficult to predict. On the expense side there is a favorable variance of $101,528 to budgeted expectations at this timepoint. She pointed out that favorable variances to year to date revenue and expense are likely to smooth out as the year progresses bringing the bottom line closer to the annual budgeted net revenue. Government Relations/Advocacy Ms. Crist reported that Chris Gallagher of Potomac Currents, OMA’s lobbyist/advocacy consultant is requesting a $1,000 increase in his monthly fees starting May 1 for increased efforts at the state level. He previously requested an increase to begin in 2020, but agreed to forgo it due to the COVID pandemic. It was recommended that he be given more direction either through the Board or Advocacy Committee to promote a strategic focus and improve return on investment. Motion: To increase monthly fees from $5,000 to $6,000 to Chris Gallagher, Potomac Currents effective May 1, 2021 Motion by: Dr. Ethan Lazarus Second: Ms. Sandra Christensen Vote: Motion Carries with one opposed Spring Conference 2021 and Membership Update Ms. Hablutzel reported that revenue for Spring Conference currently at $348,861 which is close to our goal of $381,750. Additionally, paid syllabus sales were $19,903 significantly over the $7,500 goal. Total paid attendees at this point are 638, the goal is 670. Despite some minor glitches in the morning regarding sound/video, the conference is off to a great start. Mr. DeSousa gave an update on OMA achieving over 3,300 members for the first time at the end of April. Strategic Retreat The Board discussed postponing the retreat scheduled in August due to the executive director transition. Motion: To postpone the August strategic retreat until OMA has a new executive director on board. Motion by: Dr. Larry Richardson Second: Dr. Lydia Alexander Vote: Motion Carries Journal of Obesity Medicine Association (JOMA) Recommendations Dr. Bays presented an overview of the recommendations developed by the JOMA Working Group members. He explained that they went into great detail to promote a successful journal for the Association. He asked the Board refer to the Recommendations of the JOMA Working Group document included in the Board packet for more detail. Discussion was had on what the goal and timeline for a launch. Mr. Wilson advised that anyone who has an interest in taking on the Editor position, or similar job, would need to recuse themselves from the call when discussion of Editor pay is discussed. It was decided that this meeting would move forward at without discussing specifics and with the goal to decide Board support for moving forward with launching a journal. Dr. Bays disclosed interest in the Editor position and voiced that when that time came for a detailed discussion, he would recuse himself. The Board agreed discussion including salary, contract with Elsevier, and who would potentially be considered for the Editor
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