2021 Timeline for Nominations and Election of Board of Trustee Positions
Call for applications included in e-Newsletter/launch Deadline to submit application/COI to OMA office
6/1/2021 6/21/2021 6/23/2021 7/1/2021 7/7/2021 7/8/2021 7/12/2021 7/19/2021 8/19/2021 8/23/2021 8/25/2021 Sept e- Newsletter
Nominating Committee Call: discuss interview process / assign callers Deadline for Committee Members to submit written / verbal eval
Nominating Committee Call to discuss candidates Proposed ballot sent to Board for approval Deadline for Board Members to Vote on Proposed Ballot Elections Open and Ballot Sent to Eligible Members
Voting Period Closes
Deadline for Tallying of Votes and Determination of Election Outcomes
Notification to Those Elected and Not Elected
Public Announcement to Members
9/24 or 25/2021
Installation of Officers and Elected Board Members
Abstracted from OMA Bylaws Adopted in June 2019 Article 7 Committees Section 7.03 Nominating Committee. The composition, function and operation of the Nominating Committee shall be as follows: (a) Composition. The Nominating Committee shall be composed of the PresidentElect, who shall serve as the chairperson of the Nominating Committee; and four Association members who are appointed by the Board of Trustees. In the absence of the President-Elect, the Vice- President shall serve as the chairperson. (b) Basic Function. The basic function of the Nominating Committee shall be to identify qualified nominees for Board of Trustee and officer positions and such other positions as may be provided for in these bylaws or delegated to the committee by the Board, and to evaluate whether such nominees satisfy the criteria set forth in Article 8 and are willing to serve in such positions, if elected. (c) Term. Nominating Committee members shall serve no more than three (3) consecutive one-year terms. (d) Vacancies. Any member of the Nominating Committee who desires to seek election or re-election to the Board of Trustees or any officer position shall resign from the committee and shall notify the Committee Chairperson on or before the commencement of any meetings of the Nominating Committee, held with respect to such positions. In the event of such resignation, the Board shall fill the vacancy. In addition, if a vacancy occurs on the Nominating Committee by reason of a death, disability or other reasons, such position shall be filled by the Board.
Article 8 Nomination and Election of Trustees and Officers Section 8.01 Nomination and Election Process. Each year the voting members of the Association elect Board of Trustee members and officers of the Association that are up for election. For each election year approximately one-half of the at-large members of the Board of Trustees are elected by the membership. The election process shall be held by electronic ballot or other manner determined by the Board. The nomination and election process is further described in this Article 8. Section 8.02 Criteria for Board of Trustee Positions. The criteria are as follows: (a) An Association member in good standing in a membership category eligible to hold elective office under Article 2 of these Bylaws for at least two (2) years at the time of taking office. (b) In order to be eligible to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees elected by the Membership, such members must be board certified by the American Board of Obesity Medicine at the time of election and qt the time of taking office ( except for the Nurse Practitioner/ Physician Assistant member of the Board of Trustees, which member must hold an OMA Proficiency Certificate or equivalent (as determined by the Board) at the time of election and at the time of taking office). (c) Willingness to observe fiduciary duties including the duties of obedience, loyalty and care to the Association. ( d) Willingness to comply with the Association's conflict of interest policy. ( e) Willingness to maintain the confidentiality of Association information and protect Association intellectual property, and to sign agreements to this effect, in a form approved by the Board. (f) Ability to contribute necessary time to attend two Board of Trustee meetings per year in person and participate in conference calls and email communications as needed. Ability to travel for the Association upon request by the Board, monitor Association committees and participate in Association conference calls and the strategic planning sessions as needed. (g) Ability to contribute necessary time to monitor and participate in committees. Section 8.03 Criteria for Elected Officer Positions. The criteria are as follows: (a) Must satisfy the criteria set forth in Section 8.02 above. (b) Experience having served one full term as a member of the Board of Trustees at the time of taking Office, and for the President-Elect having served previously as an Officer of the Association. (c) For purposes of clarification, Nurse Practitioner/Physician Assistant members are not eligible to be an Officer. Section 8.04 Selection Process for Elected Board of Trustee and Elected Officer Positions by Nominating Committee. The selection process utilizing the Nominating Committee is as follows: (a) Interested and eligible Members must complete an Association nomination application form developed by the Nominating Committee for the position to which they wish to be considered and a conflict of interest form and return the completed forms to the Nominating Committee and Executive Director prior to deadlines established by the Nominating Committee. In addition, the nominee must confirm his or her expectation of the time commitment for the position, confirm eligibility and provide information relative to the criteria for the applicable position and indicate that they are willing and able to serve in the position.
(b) The Nominating Committee shall review the application and conflict of interest forms and other information and select at least one and preferably more than one qualified candidate for each position for recommendation to the voting membership. (c) The candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee shall be presented to the Board of Trustees for its final approval before the mailing of an election ballot to the Membership. Section 8.05 Election Procedure for Elected Board of Trustee and Elected Officer Positions. Candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee shall be chosen pursuant to the following procedure: a) Preparation of Ballot. The Board of Trustees shall inform the Association staff in a timely manner of the slate of candidates for the purposes of preparing an electronic ballot and candidate information. b) Candidate Information. Each candidate shall have an opportunity to provide information about their qualifications and interests in serving in their respective position. Such information shall be reviewed and approved by the Nominating Committee and Executive Director and will accompany the electronic ballot when disseminated to the membership online. Candidates shall adhere to campaign rules and policies adopted by the Board, and failure to abide by those rules and policies may result in the Board taking remedial action, including declaring the ineligibility of the candidate. c) Election. The ballot and related candidate information shall be delivered electronically to all eligible Association members. Votes must be cast according to rules and processes adopted by the Board. The Association executive staff shall tally the votes under the direction of the Immediate Past President and announce the results of the election to the members.
U Nominating Committee 2021
• Dr. Ethan Lazarus – Chairperson • Dr. Sarah Hallberg • Dr. Lisa Ferreira 30T • Dr. Christina Funk • Dr. Jeffrey Sicat (still waiting for confirmation on welling to serve)
U 2020 • Dr. Ethan Lazarus – Chairperson 30T
• Dr. Jeffrey Sicat U30T • Dr. Lisa Ferreira 30T • Dr. Sara Karjoo • Dr. Christina Funk
2019 • Dr. Ethan Lazarus – Chairperson 30T
• Dr. Lisa Ferreira • Dr. Sara Karjoo 30T • Dr. Jeffery Sicat 30T • Dr. Doris Munoz-Mantilla •
• Dr. Craig Primack – Chairperson • Dr. Angela Fitch • Dr. Sutherland • Dr. Lydia Alexander • Dr. Jenny Seger • Dr. Wendy Scinta – Chairperson • Dr. Jenny Seger • Dr. Spencer Berry • Dr. Eric Westman • Dr. Carolynn Francavilla • Dr. Wendy Scinta – Chairperson • Dr. Eric Westman • Dr. Angela Fitch • Dr. Wickham Simonds • Dr. Amy Articolo
• Dr. Horn – Chairperson • Dr. Lindquist • Dr. Westman
• Dr. Temmerman • Dr. Greenway
2020 OMA Elections Nominating Committee
• Dr. Jeffrey Sicat - jeffsicat@gmail.com • Dr. Lisa Ferreira - lisamferreira@me.com • Dr. Sara Karjoo - skarjoo1@jhmi.edu • Dr. Christina Funk - christina.funk@gmail.com
• Dr. Ethan Lazarus – Chairperson - ethanlazarus@gmail.com Nominating Committee Approval Email (Christin to send emails) Dear XXX,
We are delighted to hear that you considered serving on this year’s OMA Nominating Committee that will identify the slate of candidates for the open 2020 OMA Board of Trustee positions and Ethics Committee positions. The OMA Board of Trustees has appointed you to serve on the committee this year. We will have two committee calls around June 24 th and July 7 th . Below is also an outline of the overall process for this election period. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Doodle polls will be sent out soon to confirm times
for the meetings. (Insert schedule) Regards,
Nominating Committee Denial Email (Those selected to not serve on the committee) Dear XXX, We are delighted to hear that you considered serving on this year’s OMA Nominating Committee that will identify the slate of candidates for the open 20XX OMA Board of Trustee positions. This year we had a great deal of interest for this committee and since it is restricted in size by the OMA Bylaws, the selection of the committee members is limited to a small number. The OMA Board of Trustees has appointed the serving members and unfortunately, you were not selected to serve this year. However, we encourage you to continue to engage with your peers on the OMA committee level and we are looking forward to serving your educational and other professional member needs in the future. Regards, 2020 Timeline
Call for applications included in eNewsletter/launch Deadline to submit application/COI to OMA office
6/2/2020 6/22/2020 6/24/2020 7/6/2020 7/7/2020 7/8/2020
Nominating Committee Call: discuss interview process / assign callers Deadline for Committee Members to submit written / verbal eval
Nominating Committee Call to discuss candidates Proposed ballot sent to Board for approval
Deadline for board to approve ballot; notify nominated & unnominated candidates
Deadline for unnominated candidates to submit nomination by petition Ballot and Candidate information to be delivered to members and voting begins
7/20/2020 8/10/2020 10/10/2020
Voting period closes
Date of Installation of Officers
Application Process • Call for Applications emails (Marketing Team)
o In constant contact, search for “Board Applications 2020 #1, #2, #3, etc” Make a copy of these emails and edit copy with updated 2021 information All emails will include a link to the PDF application. Application can be found here: C:\Users\KatieSimota\Obesity Treatment Foundation\OMA All Staff Team - Documents\Committees\Nominating Committee\2021 Nom Titled: OMA-Board-Application-and-COI o June Member Newsletter Search for the June 2020 newsletter to see how information was presented and copy for current newsletter. o Send out call for applications in Basecamp.
Call for Applications Email Schedule Email Name Contents
Days Out
Board Applications 2020 #1
Information on how to apply; open positions Details about open positions and information about how to apply Information on how to apply; open positions Information on how to apply; open positions Information on how to apply; open positions Information on how to apply; open positions
6/2/2020 10:15 a.m. 6/2/2020 3:00 pm 6/8/2020 10:00 a.m. 6/16/2020 10:00 a.m. 6/20/2020 10 a.m. 6/22/2020 8:00 a.m.
June Member Newsletter
Board Applications 2020 #2 Board Applications 2020 #3 Board Applications 2020 #4
Board Application 2020 #5
Day of
Application process cont. • Applications submitted to election@obesitymedicine.org
o Set-up staff who is organizing applicants, committee, and interviews with access to the OMA election email account. o Applicants must provide Completed Application and Conflict of Interest Form Email (confirm preferred email) Phone Number (confirm preferred phone number) Headshot Verify their title/designations
• Documents needed for application/nominating process
o All documents found in: C:\Users\KatieSimota\Obesity Treatment Foundation\OMA All Staff Team - Documents\Committees\Nominating Committee\2021 Nom
o Application and COI form o Tracking sheet/board slate
o Fast Facts o Scorecard o Interview Questions o FAQ o Bylaws (may need to look for updated 2021 bylaws). • Add applications to shared drive (OMA All Staff Team – Documents\Committees\Nominating Committee\2020 Nom\Completed Board Applications 2021 (Katie) • Create a separate folder in ‘Completed Board Applications 2021’ for each candidate and save all individual files in their individual folder. (Katie) • Make sure to check if applicants qualify for the position before setting up an interview. o 1. Have they been an OMA member for 2 years? (Join date is in database) o 2. Are they ABOM certified? (In database) o If a member does not qualify, send them an email letting them know. You may also suggest they apply for committees in October if they are looking for other ways to get involved. o Attach Bylaws for candidate to review. o See sample email below. • Create and keep up to date ‘Applicants and Nominees Fast Facts’ spreadsheet. (Katie) o Use the file from last year (2020) and Save As to create new 2021 copy. • Create and keep up to date “Scorecard” spreadsheet o Scorecard from previous year can be found here: C:\Users\KatieSimota\Obesity Treatment Foundation\OMA All Staff Team - Documents\Committees\Nominating Committee\2021 Nom o Assign Nominating Committee Members on scorecard after first nominating committee call. • Create and update ‘Tracking Sheet’ spreadsheet with current board positions and those applying in 20XX. (Katie) o 2020 Tracking sheet from last year can be found here: C:\Users\KatieSimota\Obesity Treatment Foundation\OMA All Staff Team - Documents\Committees\Nominating Committee\2021 Nom Sample Unqualified Candidate email Hello Dr. XX, After further review of your application, you do not meet the minimum qualification for nomination. We require that all applications for nominating be a member of OMA for two years at the time of installation, October 20XX, as well as be ABOM certified. Attached are the bylaws for you to review. Please let me know if you have further questions. We encourage you to apply again in the future .
Nominating Committee Process • First Conference Call: Send Doodle poll to the nominating committee to schedule the first committee conference call. In this meeting they will discuss the interview process/assign callers. (Katie) o Set up or login to Doodle poll account here: https://doodle.com/en/ o See election timeline for meeting date. Then, on the Doodle poll, select all business hours (8 am – 6 pm) as meeting options for committee members. o Schedule meeting in Mountain Time. o Rather than send the Doodle poll itself from the Doodle poll site, copy/paste poll link and invite all attendees by sending an email from your OMA email account. o Once you have established a meeting time, create an event in outlook. Attach meeting agenda and bylaws. Include Go-To-Meeting information. o Then, begin setting up interviews (details below). o Be sure to check you Junk Mail folder when corresponding with committee members.
Nominating Committee Conference Call 1 Email Schedule Call 1 Scheduled for: 6/24
Content included
Sent 6/12
Days out from call
Doodle poll email
Doodle poll, meeting date reminder
Share call time and information through outlook calendar invite
Information for joining call, meeting reminder; attachments Agenda, Election FAQ, Applicant Interview
Conference call Reminder
6/24 (8:00 a.m.)
Day of
Questions, Bylaws, Applicant Checklist • Second Conference Call: Send doodle poll and setup second nominating committee call to discuss candidates and recommendations to the board. (Katie) o Once you establish a meeting time, create an event in outlook. Include Go-To- Meeting details. Attach agenda, bylaws, fast facts spreadsheet, and tracking sheet. • Create agendas for two nomination committee calls. (Katie) o See Sample Agendas below. • Before interview being you will want to schedule the second and final Nominating Committee Conference call using a Doodle poll and Outlook Calendar Event.
Nominating Committee Conference Call 2 Email Schedule Call 2 Scheduled for: 6/24
Content included
Sent 6/25
Days out from call
Doodle poll email Share call time and information through outlook calendar invite
Conference call Reminder
7/2 (8:00 a.m.)
Day of
Agenda, Scorecard
Sample Doodle poll Email Hello all, The first Nominating Committee conference call is coming up on June 24 th . On this call the committee will discuss the interview process and assign callers. Please complete the Doodle poll by selecting which times would work best for you that day. The poll can be found here: https://doodle.com/poll/9vv25fyiytyt3td6 Soon after everyone completes the Doodle poll, a calendar event meeting will then be sent out
based on the greatest availability for everyone. Please let me know if you have any questions. Regards,
Setting up Interviews • All conference calls are audio calls, rather than video. However, it could be discussed within the committee if they would like to do video interviews, as we have that option. • Coordinate individual interview calls and setup. (Katie) o Assign committee members their applicants o Send committee members their assigned applicants’ applications, supplemental information, and headshots. o Send email to committee members asking for their availability during the established interview dates in the timelines. These days will fall between the first committee call and the second committee call. o Be sure to check your Junk Mail folder while corresponding with committee members. • After receiving each committee member’s availability, send an email to their assigned applicant with the committee member’s availability. Make sure applicants are aware of the interviewer’s time zone. Then, once you have selected a time and date that works best for the candidate and interviewer, set up an Outlook Calendar event, inviting applicant, committee member and yourself or other OMA staff attending. o Make sure to include Go-To-Meeting information in the event text block. o Make sure to double check time zones. o OMA staff liaison on all interview calls to take minutes on the calls. (Christian)
o OMA staff do not participate in the call. They are present to start and end the meeting along with take notes. Questions may arise about the election and interview process at which point OMA staff can chime in. • Send minutes/notes to nominating committee interviewer within one day of interview. • Save notes in each individual candidate folder. Follow up with and remind committee members to turn in feedback and evaluation scorecard if needed. (Christian) • Committee members to return interview question feedback and evaluation scorecard to input into overall ‘Scorecard Comparisons’ document. (Katie) • Complete ‘Scorecard Comparisons’ document to send to nominating committee for Call 2. (Katie) Prepare for final Nominating Committee Conference call • Attach agenda and scorecard comparisons to meeting invite. (Katie) • Send an event reminder the day of the call. • Convert ‘tracking spreadsheet’ to ‘Nominating Committee Approved Slate’ document. (Katie) • After the final Nominating Committee Conference call, send the final, nominating committee approved slate to the board. (Christin) Sample agenda for committee call 1 1. Get familiar with Bylaws and Articles for this election season and any deadlines for the election that are included 2. Set up your application review standards and questions to ask, plus divide up work to review conflict of interest forms and applications interview candidates 3. Agree on follow up call deliverables by each committee member for your next call 4. Discuss interview process 5. Assign committee callers to the applicants for interviews Sample email copy for scheduling interviews Hello Dr.XX, I hope your week is going well. I would like to schedule your Obesity Medicine Association Board of Trustees Interview with Dr. Ferreira. Below is a list of times she has available. Please write back with 3 possible times that work for you. Please rank the dates and times by your preference. Please let me know if you have any questions. Once your interview is scheduled, you will receive an email from me confirming the date, time, and how to connect to the call. (Include available times below). Regards,
Sample Outlook Calendar Event invite (invite interviewer, interviewee, & OMA staff member) Hello All, Monday, June 29 th from 7:00 – 7:30 pm Eastern, Dr. XX will be interviewing Dr. XX for a Board of Trustees nomination.
Below is the information for joining the call. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you,
OMA Marketing (Replace with updated conference call information) Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/188355317 You can also dial in using your phone. United States: +1 (646) 749-3122 Access Code: 188-355-317 New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/188355317
Sample agenda for committee call 2 1. Applicant resigned from running for position (if applicable) 2. Conflict of Interest discussion for candidates 3. Discuss candidate interviews 4. Finalize slate to send to the OMA Board
Finalizing the Slate for OMA Board • Finalize tracking sheet with approved candidates, updated board positions, and send to director or ED to pass along to the Board of Trustees for approval. • Once the slate has been finalized, let the marketing team know so that they can begin promoting the election. Unominated Candidates • Once the nominating committee approves nominated candidates, let unominated candidates know that they did not make the slate this year. o In 2020, one candidate did not make the slate. Her interviewer called her to let her know she did not make the slate and encouraged her to apply for a committee in the fall.
Elections Marketing Procedure Deliverables • Ballot (Survey Monkey)
• Candidate profile pages (WordPress) • Elections landing page (WordPress) • Email campaign to voting members (Constant Contact) • Post-election results spreadsheet (Excel)
Candidate Profile Pages Template in WordPress = “Candidate Profile: Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2020-board-of-trustees-election/candidate- profile-angela-fitch-md-facp-foma-associate-director-mass-general-weight-center/
What you will need:
• Candidate photos • Names and credentials for all candidates, plus what position they applied for • Candidate responses on the board application • Candidate disclosures • Election campaign rules (PDF) • Conflict of interest policy and disclosure rules (PDF) Instructions: • Check first if some candidates already have a profile. You can update the information in that profile rather than creating a new one. • Update the copy on the profile page to reflect the current election. • Update the widget for each candidate. o Template = “Candidate Information for Angela Fitch” • If they don’t already have a profile, update the profile for someone who does. Then you can use this as your template to create everyone else’s profile. Election Landing Page Template = “2020 Board of Trustees Election” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2020-board-of-trustees-election/ What you will need: • Candidate photos (best if all the same dimensions) • Link to the ballot • Deadline for voting (date and time) • Links to individual candidate pages Instructions: • Update the copy on the page to reflect the current election. You don’t need to create a new page, just update this one for the new election.
• Update the text in the gray callout box. This is a widget. o “Board Landing Page Text” • Update the list of candidates for each position with their photo, name, current position (if any), and link to candidate profile. There is one widget for each position.
o “2020 Election – Candidates for President-Elect” o “2020 Election – Candidates for Secretary/Treasurer” o “2020 Election – Candidates for Trustee” o “2020 Election – Candidates for Vice President”
Email Campaign Templates in Constant Contact under “Election” folder What you will need:
• All other deliverables created • Email list of voting members o Voting member categories = physician, international, NP/PA, associate, retired Instructions: • Go to Constant Contact, then to the “Elections” folder. • Look for the email series called “2019 Board Election” (#1, #2, etc.) • Use these as your templates to build your email campaign. In 2019, emails were sent 1x weekly during the voting period. o #1 – Announcement about voting o #2 – Meet the candidates running for the executive committee o #3 – Meet the candidates running for trustee o #4 – One week left to vote o #5 – Last day to vote • Pull your email list of voting members from Abila. I use the “Membership by Join Date” query with these parameters: o Under Membership Join date Rejoin date Effective date o Under Customer(Member) Do not contact by email ID o Under Individual(IndMbr)
First name Last name o Under Product(MemberType) Product Name o Under Email E-mail address
o Hit “Go” and enter this on the next screen
o Hit “Go” and export your list to Excel o Filter the spreadsheet. Remove anyone marked with a 1 under “Member Do Not Contact by Email.” Remove anyone who is a clinician-in-training under “MemberType Product Name.” (Clinician-in-training is the only member category not eligible to vote.) Note: You don’t need to do anything with the join date, rejoin date, and effective date for your initial list pull. I only use this data when pulling subsequent lists of new members who joined since the last list was pulled. To do this, filter the “Effective Date” column and keep the data for anyone who was added since the date of your last list. Then remove the clinicians-in-training and add these to your voting member email list. Post voting reminder in Basecamp • Example: Voting is now open for the The OMA Board of Trustees and The Ethics Committee. Voting is an opportunity for you to express your opinion about the direction of the organization and choose the leaders who will guide the OMA towards its goals. Voting ends August 10 at 8 PM ET. Vote now!
Voting Email Schedule Email Name
Days out from Election
2020 Board Election #1 2020 Board Election #2 Trustees 2020 Board Election #3
Info about all candidates, links to vote Info about all candidates, links to vote Info about all candidates, links to vote Reminder to Vote Info about all candidates, links to vote Reminder to Vote with Link
7/20/2020 6 a.m. 7/29/2020 8 a.m. 8/3/2020 12:30 a.m. 8/4/2020 10:05 am 8/8/2020 8:45 am 8/10/2020 8 a.m.
Sept. Member Newsletter 2020 Board Election Saturday
2020 Board Election #5
Day of
2020 Board Election Results
After final tally.
Results sent 14 days after election
Setting up Survey Monkey Ballot • Login to Survey Monkey and in the search bar type in “Board of Trustees”. o This search will bring up the previous year’s survey. o Make a copy of this survey and rename to match current year. • Begin editing the survey with updated candidate information and dates. • Double Check that the Web Link is correct. It is currently: o https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OMABoard o You will use this link in all election emails and on the website. Results Spreadsheet Template on the shared drive under Elections > 2019 Board Election > 2019 Election Results What you’ll need: • Compiled list of all voting members who received the ballot • Exported spreadsheet from Survey Monkey with the election results Instructions: • Once you pull the raw data from Survey Monkey and open it in Excel, rename the tab with the initial export data to “Raw Data.” (You need to keep the raw data.) • Create a copy of the “Raw Data” tab and call it “Election Results.” This will be your working file. • Create a new tab and call it “Summary.” • Open your compiled list of all voting members. In the “Election Results” tab, insert a new column A. Do a V-lookup to match voting member ID numbers with the ID numbers typed into the ballot. Remove any results with an invalid ID number. Then go through the votes and remove any blank votes. Then remove duplicate ID numbers. o Note: In your “Summary” tab, make note of total votes, ineligible votes removed, and blank votes removed to calculate your total eligible votes.
• In the “Election Results” tab, go through each column and filter for the name of each candidate. Keep track of the number of votes for each candidate by position in the “Summary” tab.
• Save this spreadsheet and send it to ED. In the body of the email, copy and paste the data from your “Summary” tab.
Informing New Board Members and Losing Candidates • The OMA President will notify candidates of their status after the election. • Create a list of contact information for all candidates o Email and Phone number • Once the President has informed all candidates, the OMA Marketing Team will send out an email announcing and congratulating all elected candidates. Sample Email to send to Board President Good Morning Dr. Primack, The 2020 board election and ethics committee results are in and listed below. It looks like in years past the full board is notified once the President has contacted all of the participants. Could you please contact the following participants and let them know if they won/loss. Once they have been notified please let me know and we can send an email to the full board. We will also send an email out to members and post in our next newsletter. Do you think you can have notifications sent by next Wednesday, August 19 th ? Thanks so much!
OMA Board Won – please email and congratulate them on their new position VP – Angela Fitch - angelafitchmd@gmail.com Treasurer – Lydia Alexander - lydia.alexander@gmail.com Trustees: Harold Bays - hbaysmd@outlook.com Marisa Censani - mac9232@med.cornell.edu Sarah Hallberg - sarah@virtahealth.com Loss – please email and thank them for their participation, let them know they did not win, but we hope they will be involved with the OMA going forward Trustees:
Mahtab Ahmed – pchmahtab@gmail.com Mark Schwartz – mschwartz86@gmail.com Catherine Varney - catherinewelford@gmail.com
Ethics Committee Won – Alan Kelton - AKelton@fresno.ucsf.edu Loss – Kirsten Tychonievich - Kirsten.Tychonievich@osumc.edu
Summary of Votes
Total Votes Cast
Total Ineligible Votes Removed Total Blank Votes Removed
8 1
Total Eligible Votes
Vice President
Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA, ABOM, Associate Director Mass General Weight Center (incumbent Vice President)
Secretary Treasurer
Lydia Alexander, MD, FOMA, ABOM (incumbent Secretary/Treasurer)
Votes Percentage
Mahtab Ahmed, MD, FOMA, ABOM
23.3% 64.8% 62.9% 57.2% 19.5%
Harold E. Bays, MD, FOMA, ABOM (incumbent Trustee) Marisa Censani, MD, FOMA, ABOM (incumbent Trustee)
103 100
Sarah Hallberg, DO, MS, ABOM Mark Schwartz, MD, ABOM
91 31
Catherine Varney, DO, ABOM
Ethics Committee Member
Alan Kelton, MD
Kirsten Tychonievich, APRN-CNP
Announcing New Board Members • In constant contact you will search for the email titled “2020 Board Election Results”. o Make a copy of this email. • Update email copy with this year’s winners along with changing dates. If the conference is in person, reach out to find more information about how and when the elected candidates will be installed. • Board Election results will also be shared in the upcoming Member newsletter. Reference the previous year’s newsletter for an example.
Elections Marketing Procedure
- Ballot (Survey Monkey) - Candidate profile pages (WordPress) - Elections landing page (WordPress) - Email campaign to voting members (Constant Contact) - Post-election results spreadsheet (Excel)
BALLOT Template in Survey Monkey from 2019 Board Election What you will need: - Names and credentials for all candidates, plus what position they applied for - Deadline for voting (date and time) Instructions: 1. Copy over the ballot from last year. 2. Update the information to reflect the current election and candidates. 3. Set the date and time of the survey to turn off automatically at the end of the voting period. 4. Get the shareable link to the ballot. You will need it for the website and email campaign. CANDIDATE PROFILE PAGES Template in WordPress = “Candidate Profile: Angela Fitch, MD, FACP, FOMA” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2019-election/angela-fitch-profile/ What you will need: - Candidate photos - Names and credentials for all candidates, plus what position they applied for - Candidate responses on the board application - Candidate disclosures - Election campaign rules (PDF) - Conflict of interest policy and disclosure rules (PDF) Instructions: 1. Check first if some candidates already have a profile. You can update the information in that profile rather than creating a new one. 2. Update the copy on the profile page to reflect the current election. 3. Update the widget for each candidate. a. Template = “Candidate Information for Angela Fitch” 4. If they don’t already have a profile, update the profile for someone who does. Then you can use this as your template to create everyone else’s profile.
ELECTIONS LANDING PAGE Template = “2019 Board of Trustees Election” https://obesitymedicine.org/about/board-of-trustees/2019-election/ What you will need: - Candidate photos (best if all the same dimensions) - Link to the ballot
- Deadline for voting (date and time) - Links to individual candidate pages Instructions: 1. Update the copy on the page to reflect the current election. You don’t need to create a new page, just update this one for the new election. 2. Update the text in the gray callout box. This is a widget. a. “Board Landing Page Text” 3. Update the list of candidates for each position with their photo, name, current position (if any), and link to candidate profile. There is one widget for each position.
a. “2019 Election – Candidates for President-Elect” b. “2019 Election – Candidates for Secretary/Treasurer” c. “2019 Election – Candidates for Trustee” d. “2019 Election – Candidates for Vice President”
EMAIL CAMPAIGN Templates in Constant Contact under “Election” folder What you will need:
- All other deliverables created - Email list of voting members o Voting member categories = physician, international, NP/PA, associate, retired Instructions: 1. Go to Constant Contact, then to the “Elections” folder. 2. Look for the email series called “2019 Board Election” (#1, #2, etc.) 3. Use these as your templates to build your email campaign. In 2019, emails were sent 1x weekly during the voting period. a. #1 – Announcement about voting b. #2 – Meet the candidates running for the executive committee c. #3 – Meet the candidates running for trustee d. #4 – One week left to vote e. #5 – Last day to vote 4. Pull your email list of voting members from Abila. I use the “Membership by Join Date” query with these parameters: a. Under Membership i. Join date ii. Rejoin date iii. Effective date b. Under Customer(Member) i. Do not contact by email ii. ID
c. Under Individual(IndMbr) i. First name ii. Last name d. Under Product(MemberType) i. Product Name e. Under Email i. E-mail address f. Hit “Go” and enter this on the next screen
g. Hit “Go” and export your list to Excel h. Filter the spreadsheet. Remove anyone marked with a 1 under “Member Do Not Contact by Email.” Remove anyone who is a clinician-in-training under “MemberType Product Name.” (Clinician-in-training is the only member category not eligible to vote.) i. Note: You don’t need to do anything with the join date, rejoin date, and effective date for your initial list pull. I only use this data when pulling subsequent lists of new members who joined since the last list was pulled. To do this, filter the “Effective Date” column and keep the data for anyone who was added since the date of your last list. Then remove the clinicians-in-training and add these to your voting member email list. RESULTS SPREADSHEET Template on the shared drive under Elections > 2019 Board Election > 2019 Election Results What you’ll need: - Compiled list of all voting members who received the ballot - Exported spreadsheet from Survey Monkey with the election results Instructions: 1. Once you pull the raw data from Survey Monkey and open it in Excel, rename the tab with the initial export data to “Raw Data.” (You need to keep the raw data.) 2. Create a copy of the “Raw Data” tab and call it “Election Results.” This will be your working file. 3. Create a new tab and call it “Summary.” 4. Open your compiled list of all voting members. In the “Election Results” tab, insert a new column A. Do a V-lookup to match voting member ID numbers with the ID numbers typed into the ballot. Remove any results with an invalid ID number. Then go through the votes and remove any blank votes. Then remove duplicate ID numbers. a. Note: In your “Summary” tab, make note of total votes, ineligible votes removed, and blank votes removed to calculate your total eligible votes.
5. In the “Election Results” tab, go through each column and filter for the name of each candidate. Keep track of the number of votes for each candidate by position in the “Summary” tab.
6. Save this spreadsheet and send it to Claudia. In the body of the email, copy and paste the data from your “Summary” tab.
OMA Leadership Application Thank you for your interest in serving in a leadership role with the OMA Board of Trustees! Please type your responses. Attach additional pages as needed to provide complete answers to the following questions. Only include information and activity that has occurred within the last ten years. Your application MUST BE COMPLETELY filled out with as much DETAIL as possible to be considered. It is strongly recommended that all applicants have been a member for a minimum of three years, have attended a minimum of four OMA events, and have effectively served on at least one OMA committee. At the discretion of the OMA, some or all of the candidate information provided may be included publically on your candidate website.
First Name: __________________________ Middle Name/Initial: ______ Last Name: __________________________ Academic Designation & Professional Credentials (e.g., MD, DO, FAAFP, PA, NP, etc.): _______________________ For which position(s) are you interested in applying? □ President - Elect (1 - year term) □ Vice President (1 - year term) □ Secretary/Treasurer (1 - year term) □ Trustee (2 - year term) ☐ Trustee NP/PA (2 - year term)
List your involvement with OMA committees: Committee name
Position Year(s) served on committee _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any other professional societies or associations in which you are or have been: a member or a board or committee member, and describe your level and length of involvement (e.g., committee chair, board member, general member, etc.). Note: active board or committee activities in acknowledged competitive professional societies or associations may be a disqualifying factor, if so determined by the Nominating Committee. Association name Level of involvement _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any other professional activities (e.g., publishing, non-OMA speaking engagements, faculty positions, etc.) Activity Dates of activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Application continues on next page.
What do you envision as the top 3 goals or objectives that are most important for OMA in the next 5 years and why? This information will be included on the ballot.
1. 2. 3.
How do you think your talents and skills could be utilized in attaining OMA’s goals and objectives? This information will be included on the ballot.
List three reasons why you wish to serve on the Board of Trustees and explain why they will be an asset to the OMA. This information will be included on the ballot.
1. 2. 3.
In what ways do you think OMA could improve and why? This information will be included on the ballot.
Are you now, or have you ever been, under any investigation by any state regulatory agency concerning your license to practice medicine? If yes, please state the disposition of the proceedings.
Are you now, or have you ever been, under any investigation by any federal regulatory agency (e.g., DEA, FDA, or FTC)? If yes, please state the deposition of the proceedings. Indicate if you do not wish to answer this question on the grounds of confidentiality.
Please list (if any) products, films, publications, or promotional advertising wherein you allow your name to be associated or otherwise give your endorsement.
Application continues on next page.
Since becoming a member of OMA, have you engaged in any activity that may have been a misrepresentation of your official position, title, or professional qualifications? If yes, state the particulars.
If elected and seated as a member of the OMA Board of Trustees, how would you react to a board decision with which you personally strongly disagreed?
Do you think you may have a potential conflict of interest or commercial involvement as outlined in the OMA Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement that may prevent you or may be perceived by others as not allowing you to act solely in the best interest of the OMA while serving on the OMA Board of Trustees? If so, please provide a detailed overview on your disclosure form.
All OMA Board of Trustee candidates are asked to provide OMA with the proper authorization for a standard criminal, professional and education background check. Will you consent to a standard background check?
How and What to Submit: Return this fully completed application and the signed OMA Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement (COI), along with any supplemental attachments, to OMA by June 21,2021, at 5:00 PM EDT. Email: election@obesitymedicine.org Mail: 7173 S. Havana St, Suite 600 - 130 Centennial, CO 80112 Only fully completed applications and COIs will be considered for review.
OMA Ethics Committee Application
First Name: __________________________ Middle Name/Initial: ______ Last Name: __________________________ Academic Designation & Professional Credentials (e.g., MD, DO, FAAFP, PA, NP, etc.): _______________________ For which position are you interested in applying? □ Ethics Committee
List your involvement with OMA committees: Committee name
Position Year(s) served on committee _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any other professional societies or associations in which you are or have been: a member or a board or committee member, and describe your level and length of involvement (e.g., committee chair, board member, general member, etc.). Note: active board or committee activities in acknowledged competitive professional societies or associations may be a disqualifying factor, if so determined by the Nominating Committee. Association name Level of involvement _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List any other professional activities (e.g., publishing, non-OMA speaking engagements, faculty positions, etc.) Activity Dates of activity _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Can you commit to serve a minimum of two years on the Ethics Committee? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application continues on next page.
What do you envision as the top 3 goals or objectives that are most important for the Ethics Committee and why? 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________ How do you think your talents, core competencies, personal attitudes, and skills make you a good candidate for this position? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ List three reasons why you wish to serve on the Ethics Committee and explain why they will be an asset to the OMA. This information will be included on the ballot. 1. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. __________________________________________________________________________________________ In what ways do you think OMA could improve and why? This information will be included on the ballot. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you now, or have you ever been, under any investigation by any state regulatory agency concerning your license to practice medicine? If yes, please state the disposition of the proceedings. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Are you now, or have you ever been, under any investigation by any federal regulatory agency (e.g., DEA, FDA, or FTC)? If yes, please state the deposition of the proceedings. Indicate if you do not wish to answer this question on the grounds of confidentiality. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please list (if any) products, films, publications, or promotional advertising wherein you allow your name to be associated or otherwise give your endorsement. _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Application continues on next page.
Since becoming a member of OMA, have you engaged in any activity that may have been a misrepresentation of your official position, title, or professional qualifications? If yes, state the particulars. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ If elected and seated as a member of the Ethics Committee, how would you react to a committee decision with which you personally strongly disagreed? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you think you may have a potential conflict of interest or commercial involvement as outlined in the OMA Conflict of Interest Policy and Disclosure Statement that may prevent you or may be perceived by others as not allowing you to act solely in the best interest of the OMA while serving on the Ethics Committee? If so, please provide a detailed overview on your disclosure form. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ All Ethics Committee candidates are asked to provide OMA with the proper authorization for a standard criminal, professional and education background check. Will you consent to a standard background check? _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Please indicate your level of competence in the following areas (10 being the highest, 1 being the lowest).
Ethical Assessment Skills Ability to recognize and discuss moral conflicts. Ability to understand the moral perspectives of all parties. Ability to explain the ethical dimension of a case. Ability to formulate and justify morally acceptable solutions.
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4
5 5 5 5
6 6 6 6
7 7 7 7
8 8 8 8
9 9 9 9
10 10 10 10
Operational Skills Facilitation skills Mediation skills Interpersonal Skills Active listening Communication skills
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
5 5 5
6 6 6
7 7 7
8 8 8
9 9 9
10 10 10
Advocacy skills
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: __________________
How and What to Submit: Return this fully completed application to OMA by September 30, 2021. Email: election@obesitymedicine.org Mail: 7173 S Havana St, Suite 600-150 Centennial, CO 80112 Only fully completed applications will be considered for review.
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