June232021_Agenda_Nominating_Committee_1st Call

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the expectations? • Board members are responsible for the property, affairs and business of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA). Board members make policy on behalf of the membership of OMA, and represent the public position of the Association. They also provide guidance to the staff and committees of the Association. • Board members are charged with implementing a continuous strategic planning process, and defining organizational measures of success and tracking key performance indicators, such as membership, attendance, etc. • Board members have the following fiduciary duties: Loyalty : Leave personal business at the door. Serve OMA, not yourself. Care : Develop the proper foundation for decision making by studying all Board materials and participating in discussion on issues affecting Association business. Obedience: Avoid conflict of interest; maintain confidentiality and support the board’s decisions outside of the boardroom What is the time commitment? • Board meetings are held in person at spring and fall conferences. Board conference calls are usually held in July and December. Attendance is required. In addition to the board meetings, board members serve as liaisons to committees and are assigned one or two specific goals from the strategic plan to focus on. Officers (President, President- elect, Past President, Vice President and Secretary Treasurer) may have additional meetings between these regularly scheduled full board meetings. Attendance at these Executive Meetings is required for officers, but optional for other board members. What are the expected out-of-pocket expenses involved in the position? • Out of pocket expenses are minimal –it’s more of a time commitment than a financial commitment. • In terms of the spring and fall conferences, OMA covers the following for all board members: i o Flight (up to $600) o Hotel o OMA course registration o Per diem (up to $125) o Access to Obesity Medicine Academy courses for those courses the board member was unable to attend in person i Reimbursement for the OMA Board is governed by a travel policy. For full information, please see the current OMA Board Travel Policy. These terms may change as new rules are adapted by the board. The listed amounts were correct at the time this document was prepared, but could change at the discretion of the board at any time and without notification to current applicants.

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