9.15.22 OMA Finance Committee Meeting

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i. The Ishares Barclays Aggregate Bond Index on the annualized basis which the manager will be expected to outperform. ii. The upper 1/3 of a recognized database of managers which the manager will be expected to at least equal. I. Communication: The portfolio manager will be responsible for frequent and open communication with OMA on all significant matters pertaining to the investment policy. This will include any significant changes in the organization of the portfolio manager, including ownership, changes in key people and staff, and any other substantive changes as they occur. The Investment Company and the portfolio manager will communicate: • Monthly: Monthly statements of activity are to be forwarded to the Secretary/Treasurer and Executive Director. • Semi-Annually: Semi-annual statements shall be reported to the Investment Committee by the Secretary/Treasurer and include a report of activity for the period, capital gains/losses and performance comparison. • Annually: The Portfolio Manager should expect to provide an annual portfolio presentation for the Board of Trustees, which will include reports of portfolio status, time-weighted returns, performance comparisons to appropriate benchmarks, economic outlook, investment strategy and other related matters which would be of interest to the Board of Trustees. • Ongoing: Ongoing communication by phone, letter, e-mail or personal consultation will be required as deemed necessary by the Secretary/Treasurer, Executive Director, and/or the Portfolio Manager. The Board of Trustees places great trust in and emphasis on the investment strategy employed by the Finance Committee. Any material changes to or deviations to the policy must be communicated and justified to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees requires the Portfolio Manager to communicate any significant changes in management or investment personnel to the Executive Director as soon as they may occur. H. Investment Account Transactions: Authorized signers for investment accounts are the OMA Secretary/Treasurer, Lawyer, and Executive Director. J. Plan Review: Any recommended changes to these investment guidelines should be submitted to the Board of Trustees for consideration.

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