Policy Committee Meeting 12.4.23
OMA Policy Committee Meeting Minutes September 28th, 2023 4:00--5:00 PM EDT Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89794174344?pwd=Ui8wNEJuamE2eTFBRHBMOTZkbHhnQT09
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:01 PM EDT by Dr. Ethan Lazarus. Attendees: Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Harold Bays, Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Carolynn Francavilla Brown, Dr. Anthony Auriemma, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Ms. Teresa Fraker, and Ms. Lydia Haile. OMA Position Statement Policy Proposal Development and Review of Societal Practices: Dr. Lazarus began the conversation by asking the Policy Committee to share their thoughts on the questions provided in the agenda regarding OMA’s current position statement practices and areas to consider. Dr. Bays shared that through his decades of authoring and coauthoring articles both with the OMA and beyond, he has learned that clinician-based organizations (unlike research-based organizations), often require a more delicate balance of time commitment and labor. As such, he shares that the process which has been followed thus far for the two existing position statements that have been published in Obesity Pillars per the document he provided for the meeting proposes a method of producing high quality position statements in an efficient manner that aims to reduce time burden for its contributors. Dr. Francavilla Brown attests to the functionality of the current process but wants to ensure that everyone on the OMA BOT feels comfortable and confident with this process. With regard to suggested changes, she mentions that a one week turn around for review of documents for publication has not been feasible for her and that an adjustment to the timeline would be beneficial. Dr. Bays agrees and suggests implementing a two-week review period instead to complete reviews. Dr. Fitch agrees with the change in timeline and shares that the procedure should emphasize that should any BOT member have concerns with a position statement, their concerns should be honored and brought forward for discussion at the greater OMA BOT level. Dr. Lazarus shared that in the past, the OMA’s position statements have required a majority support of the OMA BOT in order to be released to the public. Further, he suggests that all members of the OMA BOT should be listed as authors on the position statements, however, Dr. Bays voiced disagreement with this plan. Dr. Francavilla Brown shares that for the sake of logistics, only those that directly contributed should be listed as authors. She believes that all OMA BOT members should have the ability to be listed as authors through an interest and participations basis. With regard to question #2 on the agenda, “Who initiates these? The OMA President versus a motion by a member of the OMA BOT?” Dr. Francavilla Brown shared that the OMA BOT is representative of the OMA’s membership, and
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