Policy Committee Meeting 12.4.23

of a OMA BOT orientation to level set expectations, and to provide a clear understanding of responsibilities while promoting engagement from all OMA BOT members. Dr. Bays wants to ensure there is greater transparency regarding what options are available should any member of the OMA BOT have concerns or something to share about the statements (including calling a meeting or speaking with him or others individually). Dr. Lazarus shares that overall, it appears the Policy Committee is mostly comfortable with Dr. Bays’ position statement process. He proposes that Dr. Bays take the suggestions of the Policy Committee into consideration while editing his document. Once edited by Dr. Bays, the Policy Committee will comment on these changes and submit the updated document for review at the 10/25/2023 OMA BOT Meeting, provided there is enough review time on the policy/protocol for the Policy Committee. Call to Adjourn: The Policy Committee meeting was adjourned at 4:55 PM (EDT) by Dr. Ethan Lazarus.

Meeting Minutes Approved by Dr. Ethan Lazarus on 10/27/2023


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