Policy Committee Meeting 9_28_2023

Policy Committee Meeting September 28, 2023 4:00-5:00 PM EDT

Zoom Information: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89794174344?pwd=Ui8wNEJuamE2eTFBRHBMOTZkbHhnQT09

Meeting ID: 897 9417 4344 Passcode: 143159 719-359-4580, 89794174344# US

Presiding Officer: Dr. Ethan Lazarus





4:00 PM

Call to Order & Opening Remarks


4:05-4:55 PM Summarize the Review of Other Societal Policies/Practices regarding Position Statement/Policy Proposal Development with the following considerations:

Lazarus, All


1) Should this policy just address Position Statements, or Clinical Practice Statements (CPS’) as well? 2) Who initiates these? The OMA President versus a motion by a member of the OMA BOT? 3) Is there a separate pathway for submission in Obesity Pillars journal versus publication on the OMA website? 4) Do we need an option for a standard pathway versus an urgent pathway for the development of such statements?

5) How are authors selected?

6) When is the document(s) sent to the EIC of Obesity Pillars ?

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