Policy Committee Meeting 9_28_2023
Clinical Issues Committee Development
SELECTION OF STATEMENT TOPICS 1. Clinical Issues Committee (CIC) receives topics for statement development from one of the following four sources: A. ASMBS committee chairs as a result of a “Call for Statements” issued annually. B. ASMBS Membership regarding topics they view important via “Call for Statements” issued annually. C. Executive Council (EC): • EC may issue a directive to the CIC for a particular statement(s) to be drafted. • EC may charge another ASMBS committee with developing a draft. D. Within the CIC itself. * Once the responses are received from the “Call for Statements”, the recommended topics are to be reviewed by the EC for the purpose of prioritizing and issuing the directive to the CIC chair for the statements to be developed, recognizing that some may be assigned to a committee outside the CIC. Note: See “Statement Development (Non-CIC Committee) for all statements that originate from and are finalized by a committee other than the CIC. 2. Statement topic is assigned to one of the following two groups for development of draft: A. CIC may charge a subcommittee (within the CIC) to write the initial draft of statement. B. CIC may assign it to another ASMBS committee; if so, see “Statement Development (Non-CIC Committee) . Note: If there are numerous statements in the queue, the CIC will request prioritization of the statement topics by the Executive Council. Timeline: Three months for draft of statement to be written once it is assigned. STATEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROCESS BEGINS 1. Subcommittee of the CIC Develops Statement Draft • Draft is submitted to the entire CIC for their review and comments. o CIC subcommittee reviews and addresses all reviewer comments. If major changes are required, then the new draft is sent back to CIC for review. OR
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