02.29.24 OMA Board Book
FOMA/MFOMA Policy OMA BOT Approved: 10/12/2022
Master Fellow of the OMA (MFOMA) MFOMA candidate criteria: • Candidate must be an existing FOMA • Candidate must be a member of the OMA in good standing for at least eight years • Candidate must have made a major contribution to the OMA or the field of obesity medicine • Candidate must be an existing FOMA for at least five years In addition, the following may be considered for MFOMA nomination with or without the above criterion: • Candidate has served as President of the OMA Annually, the OMA Nominating Committee will review existing FOMAs who meet the above criterion, and provide to the OMA Board of Trustees both a listing of all candidates meeting criterion, and their recommendations on which of these candidates they would recommend receive the MFOMA designation. At their discretion, the Nominating Committee can solicit recommendations from existing MFOMAs to further inform their recommendations. The OMA Board of Trustees, at their sole option, may choose to recognize any of those individuals with the MFOMA designation. Approved MFOMA honorees will be recognized at the next Awards and Honors Ceremony, and recognized at the OMA’s next Annual Conference. Further, they will be recognized in the OMA newsletter, and be listed on the OMA Website. Master Fellows (MFOMAs) of the OMA may use the designation of MFOMA regardless of their membership status at the OMA; however, the Board of Trustees reserves the right to withdraw this designation for any MFOMA, and for any reason they may see fit. Should the Board of Trustees seek to withdraw the MFOMA designation, that individual would no longer be allowed to use the designation.
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