02.29.24 OMA Board Book

Obesity Medicine Association Ethics Committee Charter April 2022 – Version 1 – Board of Trustee Approved April_, 2022

Purpose and Authority a. The Obesity Medicine Association (“OMA”) Ethics Committee (the “Committee”) is tasked with: i. Assisting with examining ethical matters, or other matters as the OMA Board of Trustees (the “Board”) sees fit; ii. Familiarizing itself with the OMA Code of Conduct (each and collectively, the “Code”) for Board members, Committee members and OMA members; iii. Examining complaints by OMA members, OMA staff and OMA vendors (including


conference hotel employees) regarding violations of the Code; and iv. Carrying out any other tasks or duties as set forth in the Bylaws.

b. Subject to this Charter and the OMA Bylaws, the Committee may engage in examination and resolution of complaints. Resolution could include sanctions such as, but not limited to, public or private letter or reprimand, recommended corrective action, member suspension or expulsion, or Board or Committee member removal proceedings (subject to the Colorado Revised Nonprofit Corporation Act).



a. Composition - The Committee shall be composed of three (3) OMA Members in good standing. Members must be in a membership class eligible to vote, and must be members in good standing for at least two (2) years. Members may not serve if they have a history of being deemed not in good standing in the preceding five (5) years. Current members of the Board and the Executive Committee are precluded from serving on the Committee. Two (2) members of the Committee shall be elected by the membership to serve a two- year term. Terms of the members of the Committee will be staggered such that not all terms would expire in the same year. Upon adoption of this Charter, the term of one elected member may be less than two years to initiate the staggering of the terms. Applicants to be members of the Committee must complete an application and submit it to the Nominating Committee, pursuant to procedures set forth for OMA elections. The Nominating Committee will adopt procedures to screen applicants and to recommend

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