02.29.24 OMA Board Book

determined by this Charter, the Committee or Board. The Committee shall periodically and otherwise as necessary or advisable share its findings and updates of ongoing examinations with the OMA Executive Director and OMA Counsel. Procedures a) Meeting - The Committee shall meet as follows: a. After appointment / election, to review policies, procedures and the Code. b. When tasked by the Board to assist in matters as outlined above. c. As needed to address complaints subject to this Charter. d. If necessary, the Board, Executive Committee, Committee Chair or the OMA Executive Director may call special meetings of the Committee. The Committee shall keep written minutes of its meetings and the Committee Chair shall report regularly to the Board and Executive Director on its activities. b) Complaint – To be actionable by the Committee, a complaint must meet all of the following criteria: a. The complaint must include the name of the person(s) submitting it and their status in relation to the OMA: member, OMA staff, or OMA vendor (including conference hotel employee). b. The complaint must include the name of the persons(s) alleged to have committed a violation of the Code or other complaint subject to this Charter. c. The complaint must also include a detailed description of the allegation including dates, circumstance of the alleged misconduct, and any supporting evidence if available. d. Absent unusual and compelling circumstances, the complaint must be filed within one year of the action, conduct, or circumstance giving rise to the complaint. e. To prevent retrospective enforcement of the Code and rules that had not yet been adopted, the Committee will only consider complaints where the alleged violation happened after the date this Charter has been adopted.


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