02.29.24 OMA Board Book

Rules of Order Policy Board Approved September 2017

8) A person may only speak a third time with the chair’s permission. 9) Only the person who introduced the motion may speak again at the end (even if this is a third time). Voting on a motion 1) Before a vote is taken, the Chair puts the question to a vote by saying “Those in favor of the motion that… (repeat the motion) … say ‘Aye.’ Those opposed say ‘No.’” 2) Wait, then say “The motion is carried,” or “The motion is lost.” 3) If a member is in doubt about the result, he or she may call for “division.” A division is a demand for a standing vote count. This may be show of hands or ballot. 4) A majority is MORE than ½ of the votes cast by persons entitled to vote (a tie does NOT carry because it is not a majority). 5) A confidential written vote may be requested by any member of the board during in-person meetings. This would not require a second. Subsidiary Motions 1. Amending a motion a. Any main motion or resolution may be amended by: adding at the end, striking out or inserting words, substitution. b. To amend a motion, during discussion, a member may say “I move to amend the motion by…” Another member must second this amendment. c. The chair asks “Is there any discussion on the amendment? [repeat amendment].” At this point, only the amendment is discussed. d. When discussion ceases, the Chair says “Those in favor of the amendment [repeat amendment] say ‘Aye.’ Those opposed say ‘Nay.’ e. At this point, the motion carries or not. The main motion (amended or not) can now be voted on, discussion can continue, or the motion may be amended again (by another motion). f. Note, even if an amendment is passed, the main motion has still not been voted on – a separate vote is required. 2. Postpone definitely / indefinitely a. When the assembly does not want to take a position on the main question at all (indefinitely) b. When the assembly wants to delay to a certain time (definitely) 3. Motion to substitute a. When the assembly wishes to substitute a new motion for the original motion. 4. Refer a. Sends a pending motion to a committee, etc. 5. Limit debate / Extend debate 6. Lay the motion on the table (tabling the motion) a. This is used to lay the pending question aside and move on with other business. This may be appropriate when there is a more urgent question at hand, scheduling issue (people invited to speak to the board), etc. Privileged Motions 1. Call for order of the day – a member can interrupt a speaker to call for sticking with the agenda. 2. Recess – used to request an intermission (does not end the meeting)

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