
Board Travel Reimbursement Policy Approved ___ 2023

If a member of the OMA Board of Trustees (BOT) travels in their official capacity on behalf of the Obesity Medicine Association (OMA), the OMA will reimburse for all necessary and reasonable travel expenses. As a not-for-profit organization, the OMA strives to maintain fiscally conservative operations. Air Travel Reimbursement will be made for the actual cost of travel to and from the meeting, not to exceed the cost of direct route, economy class. International travel will be reimbursed on Premium Economy/Business class fare schedule (not first class). National airfare should be booked at least one month out, international fare at minimum three months out. Delays in making reservations will not justify reimbursement for amounts in excess of the permitted amount. Individuals are responsible for making their own air travel arrangements. Any airfare in excess of $600 for a national airfare or $1,500 for international airfare must be pre-approved by the Executive Director. If pre-approval is not obtained, the maximum reimbursement will be $600 for national airfare and $1,500 for international airfare. Automobile Travel Mileage: Personal automobile travel will be reimbursed at the rate currently allowed by the IRS, not to exceed air or rail fare when available. Parking: The OMA will reimburse parking at the economy rate. Transportation to and from the meeting: Taxi cab /rideshare fares will be reimbursed by the OMA. Meals Meals during travel to and from meetings will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $125/day. There will be no reimbursement for meals that are included as part of the meetings (either OMA-hosted conferences or other events). The following individuals may exceed the maximum of $125/day when actively representing OMA as identified on the official OMA meeting calendar, or as appointed by the OMA Board of Directors or OMA Executive Director. • OMA President • Executive Director Incidentals Receipts are required for all items exceeding $25. Expenses for spouses/guests and for personal items (i.e. in-room movies, sports, sight-seeing tours, entertainment, laundry, dry cleaning, etc.) are not reimbursable. Hotel Lodging The OMA will cover the hotel charge at the room rate established for the meeting that the BOT member is attending. Individuals will receive hotel reimbursement for the night of the specific engagement as well as an additional night for either the day before or day after their engagement if required and/or previously approved by the Executive Director.

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