As a result of interest in this area and the discussions of the working group, we propose that STOP convene a one-day meeting that brings together experts to establish a consensus on what constitutes a quality measure for the diagnosis of obesity for pediatric and adult patients. A white paper would be written and be submitted for publication. This convening would require a new Scope of Work and additional funding.
3) Propose NCQA convene a meeting to develop a white paper on obesity measures
Our roadmap assessed the obesity measures currently in place, in development, or have been retired from use. However, we were not able to completely answer the question, “what measures make a difference in obesity care?” We spoke with NCQA’s “Quality Measurement Research and Grants” department to learn about a model they have used with other diseases to convene stakeholders for one or more meetings to develop recommendations and strategies focused on measure development, and then produce a white paper summarizing the work. These projects are paid for with sponsorships from outside funders. Following that discussion, we recommend that a concept proposal be presented to NCQA to host a one-day meeting that convenes experts to discuss what measures make a difference in obesity care. The goal of this convening would be to develop a measure framework for obesity care, based on what matters to patients as well as clinicians. Such projects often generate interest from stakeholders and lead to NCQA (or someone else) finding the funding needed for developing additional measures. We understand that NCQA has had great success in their white paper projects and they do a great job in dissemination. We recommend that as part of this work, NCQA include a review of current guidelines on obesity care and map the guidelines across the past/present obesity measures. Because the future of measure development is moving towards digital measures, we also recommend that NCQA include discussion on digital measurement and ensure the speaker panel includes such experts.
4) CMS Universal Foundation Core Set of Measures
After we hosted the roundtable meeting, CMS published in the NEJM that they are working to put together a Universal Foundation (UF) set of measures. To learn more, we reached out to CMS to learn more about the Universal Foundation set of measures and to express our concern that the current set does not include a measure on obesity.
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