
Adding an Additional BOT Member to the Finance Committee Mrs. Fraker shares the need for another BOT member to join the Finance Committee and Dr. Cuda volunteered to serve. During this discussion, Mr. Wilson reviewed the bylaws for this addition, and the bylaws stipulate that another BOT member does not need to be added due to the shifting of the Executive Committee (EC) members. The Finance Committee requires two BOT members in addition to the Secretary/Treasurer. These seats are currently filled by Dr. Censani, Dr. Alexander, and Dr. Auriemma and no alterations to this committee are warranted at this juncture based on the OMA’s bylaws. IT Infrastructure Updates Mrs. Fraker shared a brief update regarding the OMA’s future progress with the new Association Management System (AMS), Learning Management System (LMS), and marketing automation systems. Mrs. Fraker notes that these various IT projects are progressing as planned. The OMA’s Education Team has suggested developing a theme for each conference in alignment with moving toward an annual spring conference versus the current bi-annual conference construct. For the 2024 conference theme, Dr. Fitch has selected the tagline of, “A New Path Forward” in order to call out the upcoming changes within the OMA (IT infrastructure updates, annual conference approach, etc.). From a marketing perspective, the words “obesity” and “medicine” perform well within various search engines and as such, beginning at the 2024 spring conference, the incoming OMA President will work with the marketing team to select the theme/tagline to align with the following format: Obesity Medicine (2025): “____________” based on their particular area of clinical interest, alignment with the OMA’s strategic plan, or other considerations. Closing Remarks Dr. Fitch shares that the Treat or Refer project proposal will be presented to our CAC partners at the CAC meeting to begin gathering interest and potential funding for the project. Dr. Primack suggests that in the future for BOT meetings, based on the enormity of materials included in the board book, having an “action item” attributed to each board book document/item(s) to be used in order to aid BOT members with navigating the board book best in preparing for the BOT meetings. Dr. Cuda shared praises relative to Mrs. Fraker’s leadership in addition to the OMA staff’s contributions and their continued development. OMA’s Spring 2024 Conference Theme and Associated Concepts: “Obesity Medicine 2024: A New Path Forward”

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