The motion passed Purpose of the Conference Exhibit Hall/Protocols/Policies
Mr. Wilson and the BOT discussed how the OMA has the authority based on its current policies and protocols relative to the exhibit hall/vendor area to only allow those exhibitors and sponsors who are in alignment with the OMA’s published statements, policies, and values. There are no changes recommended at the present time with the OMA’s protocols or policies related to this agenda item. Bariatric Medical-Surgical (BMS) Committee Compensation Survey Review Dr. Shetye discussed the survey and its purpose. Motion to distribute this survey to the OMA’s membership. The motion passed Review of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Committee Survey Results Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie reviewed the DEI survey results and shared that its purpose is to better understand the demographics of the OMA’s membership. From the results, Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie gathers that there is interest for OMA to continue producing more DEI-related content. Further, Ms. Christensen notes that the comments show members are looking for more training, resources, and conference content relating to persons of color populations, senior populations, and different class statuses. This data will be shared with the OMA’s Education Team(s), and the BOT hopes to see efforts to support DEI considerations for future educational programming. Endorsement of the Obesity Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) Obesity Canada has requested that the OMA publicly endorse its support for their Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). Given that the OMA and other obesity leader organizations in North America are planning to collaborate on the development of a Standards of Care document/guidelines, Obesity Canada is hopeful that their CPGs can serve as an established starting point. Of note, the OMA typically does not endorse documents they have not contributed toward, the BOT discussed what this might mean for the OMA. Mr. Wilson highlights the implications of such endorsement and recommends that the OMA do so only if it is comfortable in aligning with the entirety of the contents of the Canadian CPGs. Motion for the OMA to endorse the Obesity Canada Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs). The motion passed
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