OMA Executive Committee (EC) Meeting Minutes May 25, 2023 5:00--6:00 PM EDT Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89073362133?pwd=eHNDaGRvWDcvcDlrZTZjdFVMNENhZz09
Call to Order: The EC meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM (EDT) by the Presiding Officer, OMA President, Dr. Angela Fitch Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Marisa Censani, Dr. Harold Bays, and Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA’s Executive Director). Elevance/Blue Cross Blue Shield Contacts re: AOM Coverage/Letters for Providers re: Off-Label RXs for Patients - Dr. Fitch shared the details of recent communications from Blue Cross Blue Shield received by various obesity medicine providers. The EC believes that these “warning letters” to the providers have no legal or scientific basis and instead, act as a hinderance to obesity medicine (OM) care by OM providers. Due to the nature of these letters and the anxiety they have caused OM providers, Dr. Fitch feels that the OMA should write a letter to address these concerns. The EC recommends that Dr. Fitch further confer with OMA’s legal counsel, Mr. Jim Wilson to get further direction on this prior to proceeding with this plan. - Regarding the ASMBS surgeons’ resolution document submitted to the AMA, Dr. Lazarus discussed the updates he has made to this document. He specifically asked to remove restrictive language by insurers that hinders the payment and the treatment of obesity interventions and pharmacotherapies. - Dr. Censani highlights the need for standardization of coverage for all patients. BOT Employment and Conflicts of Interest - The EC discussed the logistics of a BOT member having a position that may limit their ability to contribute to BOT activities due to conflicts of interest. Given the current circumstances, there may be a need to confer with OMA’s legal counsel, Mr. Jim Wilson on the matter of a BOT member being employed by industry. Dr. Fitch has asked that Mrs. Fraker schedule a call with Mr. Wilson to review both this issue as well as reviewing the letter to Blue Cross as enumerated above. Education Task Force Updates (Conference Advisory Group=CAG) - Dr. Fitch has identified the members of the CAG to represent the “voice of the customer” roles on the CAG, and an upcoming meeting has been set for early June 2023 to convene the CAG to begin planning the overarching elements of the OMA’s Annual Conference in April of 2024.
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