
Position Statement Procedures: Dr. Lazarus shared his draft of a policy written with regard to the OMA’s processes of publishing position statements in the OMA’s scholarly journal, Obesity Pillars . He notes that it seems that the current process is that position statements that have gone through an editorial process, however, they have been published prior to the BOT being allowed to weigh in or have a discussion on these. He further notes that once published, such position statements cannot be extracted. Dr. Lazarus feels that it is imperative to fully elicit the BOT’s opinion, thereby he asks for a written policy to document these processes fully to ensure transparency and the appropriate time for the BOT to collaborate and review prior to publication. Dr. Fitch agrees with this concept, but recognizes that a formal process may have consequences such as reducing the rate or time of publishing, particularly given time-sensitive position statements such as the OMA’s position statement on compounded peptides. Next Steps: Mrs. Fraker is asked to investigate how other societies/associations conduct their work with regard to publishing position statements/clinical guidelines, etc. and she will bring this back to the BOT to gauge from the BOT in drafting OMA’s own policy versus remaining with the current practice that is in place. Travel Policy: Mrs. Fraker shares that she will make further edits that will ensure clarity for the various travel that the BOT takes part in as there has been confusion with the current verbiage in the policy. For example, there needs to be greater clarity on BOT travel related to the OMA’s Conferences versus BOT travel for non OMA Conference-related travel, and she will have this prepared for review if not for the 8/3/2023 BOT Meeting, the 10/25/2023 BOT Meeting. Next Steps: Mrs. Fraker will provide edits to the current policy and present these for review and endorsement accordingly. Call to Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 5:07 PM EDT by Dr. Lazarus

Meeting Minutes Approved by Dr. Lazarus, Policy Committee Chair on 07/24/2023

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