OMA Policy Committee Meeting Minutes July 14, 2023 4:00--5:00 PM EDT Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/86306361878?pwd=OGpmYkE1M0lEcUk0bXpLQ3NuN3NvZz09
Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 4:00pm EDT by Dr. Lazarus, Policy Committee Chair Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Anthony Auriemma, Dr. Carolynn Francavilla Brown, Mr. Jim Wilson (OMA Legal Counsel) and Mrs. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director). Bylaw Edits: Dr. Lazarus shares his suggestions for the edits made by Mr. Wilson for updating the OMA bylaws. The committee discussed the importance of clear word choice when distinguishing between the “voting and non-voting” categories. Instead of the label clinical leadership track, the committee suggests returning to “voting and non-voting” to reduce any confusion for what the membership options should consist of. Further, the committee discussed removing the option for a physician to be in a category that is non voting and instead that all physicians should be considered voting, as maintaining the OMA’s AMA House of Delegate (HOD) seat and maintaining a voting physician majority is the premise of these suggested changes. The committee suggests some potential reorganization in the language considering the CIT group consists of physicians who may be in residency, intern years, or fellowship but are still valid as physician voters, and the CIT group might also potentially contain nursing students, nurse practitioner students, and physician assistant students. The committee also discussed what non-voting designation would mean for participation in the OMA’s committees. The OMA’s committees are to function as an extension of the BOT, so there is not a solid reason to require only voting members to serve on the OMA’s committees. Further, this group suggests that non-voting members should not be allowed to chair a committee. The committee further discussed the terms “legally practicing” and its implications for a seat on the BOT. Ultimately, the committee is recommending elimination of this terminology for clarity, as physicians may be in consulting, in academia, industry, etc. As the bylaws currently read, in order to serve on the BOT, physician members must be ABOM-Certified and the NP/PA member of the BOT must hold the Certificate of Advanced Education in Obesity Medicine. Given that the (future) purpose of the two non-physician seats on the board is to have diverse representation and perspectives, it is recommended that the Certificate of Advanced Education in Obesity Medicine requirement should be removed for these seats, because it would eliminate the associate members (registered nurses, dietitians, psychologists, etc.) from being eligible to hold a seat on the BOT. Further, relative to the non-physician associate members, the bylaws could be edited to instead read, “ABOM-Certified or equivalent as determined by the board” to allow for more flexibility for this group. Next Steps: Mr. Wilson will edit the bylaws based on the committee’s discussion, and these edits will be presented to the BOT for consideration during their meeting on 8/3/2023.
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