

Associate Non-Voting Members. The Associate Non-Voting category of membership shall have the following structure: (1) Definition. Any national or international health care professional who is not a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant and who holds an Associate’s, Bachelor’s, Master’s, or Doctorate degree in a field supportive of obesity medicine.

The Retired Non-Voting category of


Retired Non-Voting Members.

membership shall have the following structure: (1) Definition. Any member who has been an active, dues paying Association member for at least five consecutive years and has completely retired from caring for patients in the field of medicine. (e) Clinician in Training Non-Voting Members. The Clinician in Training Non-Voting category of membership shall have the following structure: (1) Definition. Any individual currently enrolled in a medical school, nursing school, or other medical professional training program. Applicants must provide verification of being enrolled in such a program prior to membership activation. (f) Additional Non-Voting Member Categories. The Board of Trustees, in its discretion, may from time to time establish additional non-voting categories of membership and determine the other rights and benefits of the members of such categories. Section 2.12 Membership Dues. The dues for each category of membership shall be determined from time to time by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Executive Director. Different dues tiers or structures within a category of membership also may be established by the Board of Trustees in consultation with the Executive Director. Section 2.13 Membership Suspension or Expulsion. A member may be suspended or expelled by the Board of Trustees or by a Committee designated by the Board of Trustees, for any of the following reasons: (a) Gross or willful misconduct, including violations of applicable Association Code of Conduct or similar policies, if such finding is made by the Board of Trustees or Committee designated by the Board of Trustees by a two- thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum of such trustees or Committee members present and voting; or (b) Failure to pay dues in a timely manner. In the case of any suspension or expulsion under paragraph (a) above, the member shall be provided: (i) not less than fifteen days prior written notice of the expulsion or suspension and the reasons therefor, and (ii) an opportunity for the member to be heard, orally or in writing, not less than five days before the effective date of the expulsion or suspension by a person or persons authorized to decide that the proposed expulsion or suspension not take place. Any written notice given by mail must be given by first-class or certified mail sent to the last address of the member shown on the Association’s records. An Association member shall be deemed to be in “good standing” if such member is not suspended or expelled. To be and remain eligible to vote or to hold elected or other office (including to serve as a member of the Board of Trustees), and to chair or participate in committees, a member must be in good standing.

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