1.9.2023 Board Book
Obesity Pillars Journal Update Dr. Harold Bays gave an update on the success of the Obesity Pillars journal which included highlights of the journal whereby he reviewed the number of downloads and views, the relationship with the publisher (Elsevier), the number of reviewers, associate editors, time to decision for articles, review time of articles, training process for reviewers, top downloaded articles, and the inclusivity and diversity with the journal as well. Finance Committee Follow Up Dr. Harold Bays reviewed the work and follow-up items from the September 2022 meeting of the Finance Committee. Motion to approve the Investment Policy Statement The motion passed Ex-Officio Appointment to the Board Motion to approve Dr. Craig Primack as Ex-Officio member of the board Motion to table the NP/PA Membership Category discussion at the present time and instead proceed with an exploratory task force as noted below with findings presented at the next in person BOT Meeting in April of 2023 The motion passed A new task force will be created which will focus on Retaining AMA Seats in addition to examining Membership Categories will be chaired by Dr. Lydia Alexander and include the additional board members of Drs. Carolynn Francavilla Brown, Suzanne Cuda, Marisa Censani, Craig Primack, Tony Auriemma, and Ms. Sandra Christensen, all of whom have volunteered to serve on this task force. Relative to the edits and clarification in the OMA Bylaws as to the definition of a “term”, for the purpose of board service, in consultation with Mr. Jim Wilson, it was felt that a term will be defined by a two-year board seat; these edits are reflected in the OMA Bylaws as presented. It is felt that the “term” edits would not need to be presented to the OMA membership for a vote, but if there are proposed edits to the bylaws regarding the NP/PA Membership category (or other membership categories) based on the upcoming work of the task force as enumerated above, Mr. Jim Wilson advises that these changes be instituted at the same time in totality, particularly if any of the bylaw changes proposed would predicate presentation to the OMA membership for vote. Strategic Plan Implementation Motion to withdraw a total of $450,000 from the OMA financial investment reserves with an additional $50,000 permissible (for a total of $500,000) without board approval (if needed), to update the Association Management System (AMS) in addition to the other IT projects as outlined by Ms. Fraker (inclusive of the buildout of a marketing automation tool and a redesign of the OMA website). The motion passed The motion passed Executive Session NP/PA Membership Category
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