1.9.2023 Board Book
OMA Updates Ms. Fraker provided high level updates complimentary to the written narrative in the board materials relative to the departments of marketing, education, and membership. 2023 Board Meeting Dates The proposed 2023 board meeting dates (in-person as well as virtual) are as presented in the materials. Other than the in-person meetings, the virtual dates are TBD at present. Old/New Business New Business: Dr. Bharti Shetye shared that the OMA Bariatric Medical/Surgical Committee has done some preliminary work on a survey that they wish to deploy to the OMA membership examining Obesity Medicine (OM) Medical Director compensation as well as responsibilities of the OM Medical Directors across the country. It is recommended that Dr. Bharti Shetye forward the survey as an agenda item for review by the board in a future board meeting. Dr. Tony Auriemma spoke to the fact that NovoNordisk® recently sent out a company newsletter relative to upcoming obesity-related meetings where they mentioned the upcoming Obesity Week® meeting (11/2022) hosted by The Obesity Society (TOS), however, there was no mention in this newsletter regarding the upcoming OMA meetings. There seems to be potential opportunities to work toward building ongoing relationships with this (and other) organizations such that the OMA is viewed as a key partner and is equally represented accordingly. Dr. Angela Fitch also disclosed that effective 11/30/2022 she is changing jobs in that she will no longer be at the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) Weight Center, in Boston, MA and instead, she will be starting her own company as a co-founder and Chief Medical Officer which will focus to combine primary care as well as obesity treatment. The organization will be called Known Well Health.
Call to Adjourn and Closing Remarks Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:04 PM PT Meeting is adjourned
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