1.9.2023 Board Book

Code : 99591 Rationale

The healthcare systems who have begun transmitting their CPT coding data into an IRB-approved database based at UCSD since late 2021 (Appendix A) for coaching services delivered by qualified coaching providers are mainly using "workarounds," i.e. CPT codes which were not designed for the coaching process. They include (in order of frequency):

1. 98972 – online digital evaluation and management service 2. 99401/99402/99403 – preventive medicine services 3. 98967 – telephone assessment and management service

4. G0447 – behavioral counseling for obesity 5. 98487 – complex chronic care management

While enabling billing and reimbursement of visits delivered by qualified coaching providers, existing Category I CPT codes are inadequate for health and well being coaching because they lack specificity for the coaching process or the qualified coaching provider. Our data demonstrates that healthcare systems are reluctant to use the Category III coaching codes, slowing down the integration of coaches on the healthcare team. ▲ 0591T Code : 0591T, 0592T, 0593T Rationale IV. 2 Major Code Differences For each NEW and/or REVISED code, identify the major differences with other related codes already in CPT. ● 99591 Code : 99401 Differences


Code Change Application-last updated Dec 29,2022 CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association Copyright 2013-2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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