1.9.2023 Board Book

The existing CPT codes reported in Appendix A as workarounds (99401-3, 98972/67, 98487, G0447) do not represent health and well-being coaching, which is defined in the coaching code description: “a patient-centered approach wherein patients at least partially determine their goals, use self-discovery or active learning processes together with content education to work toward their goals, and self-monitor behaviors to increase accountability, all within the context of an interpersonal relationship with a coach. The coach is a healthcare professional trained in behavior change theory, motivational strategies, and communication techniques, which are used to assist patients to develop intrinsic motivation and obtain skills to create sustainable change for improved health and well-being." A recent literature analysis of the dose of coaching (number and length of coaching sessions) in obesity and diabetes concluded that coaching sessions typically averaged 35-40 minutes in length. Coaching sessions require at least 30 minutes to properly explore, draw out, and amplify a patient's sources of intrinsic motivation, (e.g. values - why health is of personal importance, vision for optimal health, goals the patient is ready, able, and willing to work toward), and cultivate skills and resources that sustain the confidence needed to make sustainable behavior change.


Sforzo, G.A., Kaye, M.P., Faber, A. and Moore, M., 2022. Dosing of Health and Wellness Coaching for Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: Research Synthesis to Derive Recommendations. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, p.15598276211073078. ▲ 0591T Code : 99401

Differences See above. IV. 3 Diagnostic Test


Code Change Application-last updated Dec 29,2022 CPT is a registered trademark of the American Medical Association Copyright 2013-2021 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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