10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
Dr. Fitch’s Polling Question:
For the OMA Summit 2024, which of the following options/focus areas below are most appealing to you for a deeper educational immersion experience (for example: “Obesity and _____”) ?
Women’s Health CVD Cancer
Men’s Health
A specific patient population by age (i.e. pediatrics, geriatrics, etc.)
Thursday, 10/24/2024 11:30 AM--1:00 PM
CAC/OMA Board Lunch and Networking Meeting (?)
1:30--5:30 PM
OMA BOT Meeting
2:00--6:00 PM
Registration Open
5:30-7:30 PM
Welcome Reception
Friday, 10/25/2024 7:00 AM--2:00 PM
Registration Open
CME Hours
6:30--7:30 AM 7:30- 8:00 AM
Morning Yoga on the Lawn
Networking Breakfast
8:00--10:00 AM
Education Sessions
10:00--10:15 AM
Break (with or without sponsors)
10:15 AM--12:30 PM
Education Sessions
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