10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

Target Audience Considerations: In order to prepare a high-fidelity educational experience as is a hallmark of the OMA, determining the key audience for the OMA Summit conferences is crucial in developing the educational content. Two potential options are proposed here for the audience we’d most want to attract for this event: Audience #1 Proposal: In order to bring non-OM clinicians to an OM educational offering, situate the content around (for example) , “Obesity and CVD”. The construct with this approach is that the OMA would heavily market to cardiology based associations/societies in order to bring these clinicians to an OM meeting whereby our OM experts would provide content on the basics of OM, and the cardiology experts (in conjunction with the OM experts) could offer lectures on the intersections of obesity and CVD. The risk with this approach is that we may not realize the projected attendance of the “target” audience of cardiology experts who may potentially attend an OM meeting. Further, it is much more likely that the cardiology experts would attend their own cardiology specialty meeting, even though our OM experts acknowledge the need to spread important obesity-related content to non-OM experts. Audience #2 Proposal: The content could situate around (for example) , “Obesity and CVD” whereby our OM clinicians (and selected cardiology experts) could provide lectures with a specific immersion in CVD, and no other disease process. This presents an opportunity for the OM experts to avail themselves to a greater depth and breadth in the CVD implications of obesity, coupled with exposing a lesser number of cardiology experts to basic concepts of OM versus the Audience #1 proposal. This target audience is less risky from an attendee volume standpoint, as we acknowledge that our OM experts are typically enthusiastic about a deeper educational immersion experience in a specific disease state or patient population. Request of the OMA’s BOT: Based on the two audiences as described above, the OMA Staff Leadership Team requests the BOT’s feedback on the preferred target audience, which will in turn drive the educational programming. Further, Dr. Fitch will be deploying an audience poll at the conclusion of her Presidential Address on 10/27/2023 to elicit feedback from the audience on their perspectives as to what disease process(s) or a patient population they would prefer be offered during the OMA Summit experiences as a deeper educational immersion experience.

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