10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
2D0e 2p 3a rMt me me nbt eDr si rhei cpt oUrp: dCa ht er si s/tSi taant iDs tei Sc so u s a • Oa lMmAo sctoan 1t i 3n%u e gs rtoows et ht rt eh cr oo rudg hmtehme bf ier rsst ht ihpr eneu mq ubaerrt se resa. cWh emsounr tpha as sneddwo eu rc ul ar treesnt t ml y i hl easvt eo nhea dg o i n g over 5,000 total members and ending September with 5,054 total members. • Rb uett etnhti si oins shtai lsl baeneanrehao ltdhiantgws teeaardeysitnritvhien g72t o%i mrapnrgoevewohni c. h i s up fro m 63% a t t he s t a rt o f 20 2 1, • TJ uhl ye on fe w2 0m2 3e ma nbde rt shhe i pm (eams sboecr isaht ii po na nmda mn aagrekme tei nn gt st ye sa tme ms a) rpe l ac ot fnotrimn u, iFnogntthe ev iar, ww oa rs kl awu int hc hveadr il oa ut es cuopma pn od nreunntns i on fg tahnednaenwi ns oi tfitawl amr ee m. Abne er wc oPl lraobvoi rdaetri oDni rgercotuopr ywainl ldbMe ef uml lby efru nRcetsi oounracl esso soenc. t i o n i s Dp oi st ceunst si ai ol ng rs owu ipl ls oscuccuhr aass rteoghi oonwa lwbea sweadn, tt ot op i uc tbi lai zs ee dt h, oi sr cpool tl ae bn ot iraal tl yi ouns teodoal smaocvoi nn gd uf oi tr wt oa r d f o r reinvigorate our Mentorship Program. • Wl o ne ghearvqeuianlci frye af os re dt hoi us rb Ce nI Te fUi tptghraatdwe aonf ftetro t uo p7g5r%a d oe ftf of oorntehoe f f oi rusrt cylei na ri cfioa rn tmh oesme bCeI rTsshwi phtoy pn eos f o r the first year. Just a handful have taken advantage of this offer thus far. • Wc o en caerpe twvoi ar kZionogmwti ht ha tt hwei lMl heampbpeerns he ii pt hCe or mmmo ni tttheley toor dqeuvaerltoepr lay “aNnedwwMi l lebmebaedr dHe adptpoyoHu ro uc ur ”r r e n t nb ue wt wmeesmt i bl l ehroopnebtooalraduinncghparno gi rnai tmi a. lTvheirsshi oans bbeefeonr ea tbhiet dyeelaaryeenddws .i t h t h e s o f t w a r e c o n v e r s i o n , • Nc heawn gmi negmmb ee rms hb iepr tt yy pp ee ss hf raovme b“ Ve eont i nd ge ”v ev leorps euds “bNy oanw- Voor tki inngg” gwr iot uh pp oh fy tshi cei aBnOmT ef omc bu es er sd roenq u i r e d tmo ebme bpearrsthoi pf tfhoer “aVvoot ti ne gi n” geraorul yp .2T0 h2i4s wmiet mh tbheer shhoi pp ec thhaantgteh we siel l cbhea inngter so dwui cl legdot oi nttho ee Of f Me cAt b y t h e sr ee tcaoinndi nqgutahret eOrMo Af 2’ s0A2M4 . AT Hh iOs Dc hsaenagt ea fi tne mr tehme bneerxst hf ii pv et -yypeeasr srhe ov ui el dw swi ghni icf hi c iasndt luyeaisns i2s0t 2i n6 . 2 D 0 e 2 p 3 a rMt ma reknet tMi nagn/aPguebrl:i cKRaet lhartyi onn(sK(aPtRy )) UR pu dd az itne ss /kSi t a t i s t i c s Me xacrekeedtei nd gt hCea mt opt aa li gr ne sv :e nBuyeMf raoymo ft h2e0 2e 3n ,t ior ue ryme aornot fh 2l y0 m2 2e mm bo enrt shhl yi pmc ea mm bp ea ri gs nh si pr ec av me npuaei ghnasd. Ta hl reesaed y cwaimt hpaani gendsuacraet idoenpbl ouyneddl et .hWr oeu cgohnetmi nauiel at on dr eovfifeewr cduasttao mf r oe mr s tahdeissec oc aumn tpoani gmn se ma nbde cr sohnispi d, oe frt ehno wp atior e d iot regraa nt ei ztaht ei os ne adl etlai vl eenr ta bp li epse li inn feuet ua rr ley ci anmt hpea iygenasr. , Ww iet hb raocuhgahnt gme ai nr kt ehtei nmg acrokoert di ni ng adt eo pr aNr itcmh ee nVt e’ sr a l d i o n t o tmhoe rtee ac mo h we siitvhe t ahpe pi nr ot ea nc ht i ot on porf obj reicnt gs i ansg oouurr mg raarpkhe itci ndge tsei ganmppraorj et nc et sr si nf -rhoomu ss et a. rTthtios fhi na si shhewl piet hd ot ou rf o r m a ecodnufcearteionncetemaamrktoetuinpgdfartoemexbisetgiinngnainsgwteolleansdd. evelop new projects with our events team to design Digital Marketing: In 2023, we shifted our digital campaign strategy to follow a quarterly cadence, df orci vu es ne dp or inmcaorni lfye rbeyn cc oe nr feegries nt rcaet idoenasd al innde so. nWOeMa Al t emr ne amt eb eqrus ahri tpe. rOs ubre ct wa me epna iagdnvs etrht ii ss iynega cr ahma pv ea ibg enes n
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