10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

sc ua mc cpe as si gf un l ,awc thuiaclhl ywe en da er ed ef ixvter ewmeeelkysperaorul yd boef .c aTuhsee Owvee rwc eorme i wn ge lOl bo ev se irt yo u( Fr ar lel gCi sotnrfaetri oe nn cgeo2a 0l s2a3n) d w e wn eearrel yb u5 m0 0p%i n gh iug ph earg raei ns us tl tfsu ol l vcearp2a 0c i2t 2y ’ fsocraaml l psaeisgsni o. Wn se. ’Or eu rl oNo ekwi n gY ef oa rr wmaermd bt oe rl as hu inpc hc ai nmg poaui gr nn ey xi et l d e d membership campaign after the launch of the new OMA website. C w o enht ea nv et ac no dn tPi nRu: eWd et oown bo or ka rwd ei tdh Ci ni sdi uo ns t ar ys pa ut ob ol i ls thoi ndgi spt ra irbt un teer sa nt od stur ab cmk i pt umbol ni ct hr el yl act oi onnt es nmt .aSt oe rmi ael ss ha inf tds ivni doeuor cl oo nn tge- ns ttainndpi nl agc re eol af twi orni tst he inp ps iwe ci tehs . t Wh oes ewpi lal retvnael rusaht iep cs uorcrceunrt rpe ad ritnn e2r0s2h3i pws i(t sho smo empe apr rt ne feerrsrhi ni pgs , such as Bariatric Times have changed their publishing model and no longer accept contributed cpol annt e. Innt t)ear nn da l cl yo, nws ied he ar voet hpeurbi lni sdhuesdt royr puupbdl iactaetdi oonv oe rp t5i 0o nbsl owg hpeons wt s et ob ud ial dt e oi un t 2t 0h 2e 32 i0n2 p4 aPr Rt n ae nr sdhci op nwt ei tnht our digital marketing agency, Trendy Minds . In 2024, we plan on publishing fewer new blog articles in order to dig into existing blog content with a fmo ca ui nst oa inn ai nugd iotri nggr oa wn di nugpoduart ionrgg saon itch saet awr ceha trreaof ffifce. r iWn ge tchoen mt i nous et ut op rt oo udtai nt ee liyn froercme i avtei omnewd ihai lree q u e s t s aF nr odma paprreeccei antteCtihs ieoBn Or Te p’ sopr tr,owmepht ar ve es psoene sneos vwe rh e3n5 0a smk ee dd itao mc oennttri oi bnust ye etaort thoo ds ea tien,t we rhviicehwwdee aa dr el i n e s . extremely proud of. IT Technology Projects: The marketing team played a supportive role in the Fonteva (association mw iat nh augseemr ee nx tp se yr iset ne mc e), da ne sdi gEnt h, aons d( leenagr angi ne gmme natnoa ng et mh ee np tl astyf os tremms ). Wt r ae nasni tt ii oc inpsa at en dl a wu necchoi nn gt i nt huee nt oe wa sl ys i s t raenddeusipgdnaetdedOcMoAntwenetbfsoitreoiunrlamteemNboveresmabnedr o2t0h2e3rsa. nd we look forward to a more user-friendly design We will have launched our new email marketing system in October 2023 so you may have seen some nc oe nwn ee mc t ae idl tdei rme pc tl al yt et so aFnodn tdeevsai g, enns sbuyr innogwa . sWe aemwl ei l sl sc oa nn tdi nmuoe rteo abcuc iul dr aot eu tdtaht ea ef lmo wa i la ss yws tee gmr owwh iocuhr i se m a i l sbuubi lsdc ra iubteorml ias tt es d. Trhe es pboi gngs ee ss t bbaesne edf iot nf odraot au ra st ei at mi s ewni tt eh rtehdi si nn eo wu r smy sat ienmd ai st at hb ea seef f(i Fc ioenntceyv oa )f . bAesi npga ar tb ol ef t o a c th o p e n p n w li e c e c a b t t e s io i d t n e t s o r , e a F d n o e d n s t w i e g v e n a b p s w r it o h e j i e c fo c h t r wm w e e s a u a r b l e s m o h i o o s n p si b e o f o n u a s l r . w d ei ldl iannc ruepadsaet ee fdf ifcoi er mn c iseyss twe imt hwmhei cmhbies ravdodtiitni ogn, caol lmy m i t t e e

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