10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
OMA Board of Trustees (BOT) Meeting Minutes August 3rd, 2023 5:00-7:00 PM EDT Held Virtually: https://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/86288809712?pwd=Ym9MUjcrL0NXQVNHVjVxMXdpODRsUT09 Call to Order: The BOT meeting was called to order at 5:02 pm (EDT) by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela Fitch. Roll Call: Dr. Marisa Censani Attendees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Harold Bays, Dr. Anthony Auriemma, Ms. Sandra Christensen, Dr. Carolynn Francavilla Brown, Dr. Bharti Shetye, Dr. Craig Primack, Dr. Sylvia Gonsahn-Bollie, Ms. Teresa Fraker (OMA Executive Director), and Ms. Lydia Haile (OMA Operations Specialist). - At the time of roll call, Dr. Michelle Freshwater and Attorney Jim Wilson, were not present, however they both joined the call shortly after at 5:08 PM EDT. - Dr. Suzanne Cuda was not present for this meeting. Approval of the Agenda: Motion to approve the agenda; this motion was seconded. There was no further discussion on this item. The vote to approve the agenda was passed with no opposition. Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr. Primack shared that he will be soon employed (in mid-August of 2023) as the Senior Vice President of Weight Management for the HIMS/HERS company. Dr. Auriemma shared that he will be serving on the Speaker’s Bureau for Eli Lilly. Dr. Gonsahn-Bollie shared she will be soon employed (8/7/2023) as the Executive Director of Clinical Research in obesity at Eli Lilly. She is also serving on the board for the National Wellness Institute. Sandra Christensen shared she will be a speaker for Eli Lilly, she will also serve on the Advisory Board for Abbott, and she will be an education planner/fellow for the AANP. Further, Ms. Christensen asks to have her TOS membership and Gelesis affiliations removed from her disclosures. Dr. Bays shared that he will send his disclosure updates in an email to Ms. Haile such that these can be on record. Dr. Alexander shared she is on the Speaker’s Bureau for Eli Lilly, as well as serving on the Advisory Board for NovoNordisk, and she will be presenting an obesity course lecture for Harvard at the George Blackburn educational offering. Dr. Francavilla Brown shared she is now on the Speaker’s Bureau for Eli Lilly.
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