10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
Dr. Fitch shared that she is on the Speaker’s Bureau for Eli Lilly. Dr. Lazarus shared that he is no longer a member of TOS. Approval of the Consent Agenda and Supporting Documents:
Motion to approve the consent agenda and the supporting documents, this was seconded, there no discussion on this item. The vote to approve the consent agenda and supporting documents passed with no opposition. BOT Policy Review Agenda Item: OMA Bylaws + BOT Travel Policy + Position Statement Proposal OMA Bylaws Amendment The BOT discussed the proposed bylaws which would serve to put forth the maintenance of a physician-led organization in order to protect OMA’s Delegate Seat at the AMA. Proposed changes in the bylaws: - Separating the OMA membership into voting and non-voting categories - Ensuring all physicians (MD/DO) members are added to the voting category of membership - Allowing all other member categories of the OMA the option of serving as a voting member of the OMA for an additional cost. (Of note, the availability for the voting category would be limited to non-physicians in order to maintain a voting physician majority, which would be internally monitored by the OMA’s Membership Department leadership) - Expanding the BOT seats through the addition of another non-physician seat on the BOT, however, the two non-physician BOT seats would not be allowed to serve as an Officer (Executive Committee Member) of the OMA to maintain a physician-led organization in accordance with the AMA Delegate Seat considerations. Further with regard to the voting abilities of international physician members, the BOT agrees that for the purposes of OMA membership, if a physician has a current state medical license in the United States regardless from where he/she obtained their medical education he/she is recognized as a United States physician and therefore should be allowed to be part of the physician voting category of membership. In addition, the phrase “legally practicing” was removed as a requirement for physicians in the bylaws for consideration of the various areas where physicians are employed such as roles within the research and academia areas of medicine where some of OMA’s physician members professionally reside. Motion to approve the proposed bylaws as amended to clarify the international physician category as noted above will be completed by Mr. Wilson. The motion to approve the bylaws revisions as presented was seconded and passed with no opposition, however the discussion as noted below was initiated by Dr. Bays. Dr. Bays wishes to ensure that the OMA approaches these bylaws change vote with the membership in a manner that is as clear and transparent as possible. Dr. Lazarus suggests a BOT
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