10.25.2023 OMA Board Book
OSeMpAteEmxbeecrut2i8vtehC, o2m02m3ittee (EC) Meeting Minutes 5H:e0l0d-V-6ir:0tu0aPllMy: EhDttTps://obesitymedicine org.zoom.us/j/89073362133?pwd=eHNDaGRvWDcvcDlrZTZjdFVMNENhZz09 Call to Order: The BOT meeting was called to order at 5:03 PM EDT by Presiding Officer, Dr. Angela FAitttcehn.dees: Dr. Angela Fitch, Dr. Ethan Lazarus, Dr. Marisa Censani, Dr. Lydia Alexander, Dr. Harold BGauyess,t:MDs.rT. CerraeisgaPFrriamkaecrk, and Ms. Lydia Haile. PDrre. sPernimtaaticoknsohfaPrerospthoasat lsaixndwPeeakrtsnaegrosh, hipeObpepgaonrtuwnoirtyk:inHgIMasSthe Senior Vice President for the weight mp aarnt na eg resmh ei pnst wp ri ot hg rvaamr i oaut st hoer gcaonmi zpaatni oynHs IiMn St h. eI nf i he li ds roof loe b, De sri. tPy rmi me adci cki ni se t. aAssk seudcwh ,i tDhr f. oPrrmi mi nagc k pberetwseenetnedHaIMpSroapnodsathl etoOtMheAE. C for their perspective on a potential partnership opportunity TinhceluEdCindgi:scussed a few logistics and further posed questions they have around a partnership - Gprivoepnosthale?potential impact on the OMA name and brand, how would we best consider this - Will there be criteria that (other) potential partners in addition to the OMA must meet? - How will an endeavor such as this one be perceived by the public? - I(sDBr .OATl emx aenmdbeer r’ ss ho irpg aancioz na tf il oi cnt )oof ri nKt ne roews tn ww ietlhl (sDu rc .hFai t pc hr o’ spoorsgaal ;nfioz ra tei xoanm) dp el es,i rwehdaat i f E n a r a partnership with the OMA? - Should the BOT develop guidelines to best inform such desires for such collaboration? m f A u f e r te t e h r ti e h n r i g . s U d p l u t r i e e m s t e o a n t t e t i a l m y t , i e o t h c n o e , n D E s r C t . r P d a r e i i n c m t id s a . e c T d k h n e e o x E t it C t e o d h i o t n h p c e e lu s c d a t e o ll t f t h u o i r s a t h l i l t e o e r wm a t d o h d n e r t e E h s C e s m B th O e e m T d b a e g e ta e rs i n l s d to a o d f f o a is r p c t u r h o s e s p 1 o th 0 s i a / s l 2 m s 5 u / a c 2 t h t 0 e a 2 r s 3 tBhOisToMneembbefeorrsehibprianngdinIngditutsotrtyhe BOT for further deliberation and discussion. (or other?) Employer Considerations Te mh ep El oCy er edcboymimn deunsdter dy . t hI na totrhdee rOfMo rA sduecvheal oppoal i cpyo ltioc yb ea rdoeuvnedl oBpOe dT, mt heemc bo ne rssi dh ei pr awt ihoinl es bt heai nt gw o u l d need to be included are the following items (as an initial list): - Define “industry” and other criteria - Dofettheermoringeanthizea“ticounto, efft”c.o)f level and/or degree of employment (I-9 contractor, w2 employee Dp or .t eLna tziaarl us sa mr epqlue el satnsgtuhaagt eMosf . sFurcahk earpcool ni ctya ci nt tahdedOi tMi oAn’ st ol ergeaql uceosut ni nsge lM, Mr . rW. J ii ml s oWn ’ isl saosns i tsot aonbctea ii nn
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