10.25.2023 OMA Board Book

Current (former) Four Core OMA Pillars Terminology Suggested (new) Four Core Pillars Terminology

Prepared by: Teresa Fraker

• Nutrition --> Nutrition Therapy • Physical Activity --> Physical Activity (no change) • Behavior --> Behavioral Modification • Medication -->Pharmacotherapy --> Medical Interventions 

Medications or Medical Management  Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery  Endoscopic Procedures

The above (green font) nomenclature has been approved via electronic vote by the BOT, however, at issue for discussion purposes is the two highlighted sub-categories above of Medications or Medical Management that must be determined.

Medications vs. Medical Management Terminology Perspectives (from OMA BOT Leadership): When deliberating about the above concepts, Dr. Alexander felt strongly that the language should be changed to reflect “Medical Management”, because she believes that the broader terminology of how OM providers clinically function is more descriptive to use this terminology, inclusive of AOMs as well as evaluating ALL medications that the patient is taking, to include tapering and/or removing those medications which are thought to perpetuate the disease of obesity. Further, Dr. Alexander felt that just listing “Medications” as above may continue to purport (from non-educated providers who don’t have the expertise that OM clinicians do) the notion that the “only thing” that OM clinicians do is prescribe medications versus looking at each patient’s medications (and entire health profile) in totality, thus the terminology of “Medical Management” seemed to encompass this sentiment more fully and completely than the terminology of “Medications” alone. Medications vs. Medical Management Terminology Perspectives (from the OMA Staff Leadership Team): With regard to the nomenclature of the sub-pillars under “Medical Interventions”, the OMA Staff Leadership Team strongly supports the use of the “Medications” versus “Medical Management” terminology. This is an inclusive term that covers everything from starting, stopping, and maintaining AOMs, as well as monitoring or adjusting weight promoting medications in addition to the review of the patient’s medications in their entirety.

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